Register Reconciliation

  • Register Reconciliation
    1. After you have CLOSEd the register(s) (ran the Z tape) and have brought the drawer with all the Cash, Checks, Credit Card Charges, AR Charges, Gift Certificates, Return Receipts and whatever other items back to the office, print the Tender/Register Summary
    2. Count your drawer down to your pre-determined drawer amount.
    3. Count all your cash and compare to the Tender/Register Summary report.
    4. Count and run a tape on all your checks and compare against the Tender/Register Summary report.
      1. Include Travelers Checks as checks.
    5. Count and run a tape on all your credit card charges and compare against the Tender/Register Summary report.
      1. You will need to add the various credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, Discover…) together from the Tender/Register Summary report to get the total of all credit card charges
    6. Count and run a tape on all your AR charges and compare against the Tender/Register Summary report.
    7. Count any other items (if any – Gift Certificates, CPN…) and compare against the Tender/Register Summary report.
    8. Add all your counts to determine if you are long or short for that drawer.
  • Reconcile against Spreadsheet
    1. From the Tender/Register Summary report, use the TOTAL column when getting numbers for the Departments.
      1. Remember to add together for the TEXT category:
        • TRADEBOOKS
      2. If there are any FIX or ERROR lines, decide what departments they belong to
        • Once you assign these items a class, they will be grouped into the correct departments.
      3. From the spreadsheet:
    • Remember to include tax
    • Remember to add together the departments that you need to on the Tender/Register Summary
  • SHORT = cash short, LONG = cash long
  1. The TTL line on the spreadsheet should match the amount of the REF line.

General Ledger – POS Setup


By setting up the General Ledger interface you will be able to create the detailed information necessary to either post journal entries directly into the TCS General Ledger system or create a report of the debits and credits and account numbers to use for posting into your corporate system.

If you are using the TCS General Ledger system then refer to that documentation to set up your chart of accounts, define accounting periods, and etc.

There are six types of data records that require some form of setup. This includes:

  1. Distribution Codes Assign G/L account numbers for inventory classes or departments.
  2. Class Codes Distribution codes are assigned to one or more class codes.
  3. Tax Codes Assign G/L account numbers.
  4. Tender Categories Assign G/L account numbers.
  5. Fees and Credits Assign G/L account numbers.
  6. Modifiers Discounts and Markdowns or other codes that have a financial effect on inventory, or income, or expenses.


Account numbers are free-form and do not have any specific format although it is important to use the account numbers that will correspond to your G/L system. These account numbers are for both debits and credits – the reporting system will figure this out for you.

Distribution Codes

This setup is accessed through menu path POS-22-03-04.

Generally there is one distribution code per inventory department, you will never have more than the number of your inventory classes. The Code that you use can be alphanumeric but most often is the same as the department number. Enter the G/L account number for each activity specified on the screen. Any blank accounts may result in an error later.

Here is an example of a distribution code. (It corresponds to department 3.)

If you are not using the TCS General Ledger module you may want to change up the accounts a little by entering something at the end of the account number. For example: “43000 Supply Sales”. With the TCS General Ledger the account description will be filled in automatically when you run the G/L Distribution Report described later in this document. Without the TCS General Ledger you will only see what you have entered.

Class Codes

All that is required here is to assign the Distribution Code to each class number.

The list (after the Class Number prompt) will show you the classes and their Distribution Code.


Tax Tables

All tax tables need to have the G/L Account field completed.

Tender Categories

All tender categories need to have the G/L Account field completed.

Fee Codes

All fee codes need to have the G/L Account field completed.


It is very rare that you would have a modifier with a G/L Account associated with it. If the need arises then add it to the modifier. It is generally easiest to not assign any accounts and then look for modifier “errors” on the G/L Distribution report (POS-23-29-02).

This completes the setup portion of this document. You may need to refer back to it if there are any errors on the G/L Distribution report (POS-23-29-02).

Running Reports

The first step to viewing a report is to create the data for the report. This is done from menu POS-23-29-01 (Create G/L Distribution).

  1. Enter the Beginning Sales Date for the period that you want to create your journal entry.
  2. Enter the Ending Sales Date.
  3. Always enter “Y” in the prompt for “Is this a RePost?”
  4. At the Options Prompt enter an “R” or click on Run Procedure.

If there are errors then a report is generated with a list of all of the errors. Here’s an example of an error when class 301 does not have a Distribution Code assigned to it.

You need to correct all errors before the G/L Distribution report will be valid. If there are errors then make the appropriate corrections (in the setup above). You can run this “Running Reports” section as often as needed until all errors are corrected.

Once the data for the journal entry is created without any errors you can run the G/L Distribution Report. This is option 2 on the same menu where you created the data.

There are three report options, Summary, Detail, and Errors.

Summary: Gives you a report with one line per G/L account.

Detail: Shows every sales transaction and all of the G/L accounts for each transaction. This report is very long with anywhere from 4 to many lines per transaction.

Errors: This report will show you just the invalid G/L account numbers. You will then need to correct the appropriate control records in the database. If the error is just a number it is most likely from a distribution table or a fee code. Other errors are fairly self-explanatory with codes like TAX.CODE:6.5 or TNDR.CODE:CC.

Even though the data you enter here will be the same that you used when creating the data it will be used in the heading of the report. Make sure that the data you entered in both screens is the same.

At the Options Prompt enter an “R” or click on Run Procedure.

The report below is a sample summary report.

The 1st thing to do with this report is to review it for any “errors”. An “error” would generally be an invalid G/L Account in the “ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION” column. The invalid account will give you a clue as to what record in the setup procedures was not completed.

If there are errors then run this “Running Reports” section as often as need until all errors are corrected.

Posting to the General Ledger

If you are not using the TCS General Ledger module then you can use this information to create a manual entry into your corporate system.

If you are using the TCS General Ledger then select option 3, Create G/L Journal Entry. This step will create a journal entry in the G/L database. You will need to post the journal entry by logging into the G/L system and posting the entry in menu GL-01-01. The Journal Code that is created will be in the format of POS*nnnn where nnnn is a sequential control number.

Inventory Procedures – Tricoder

  1. Preparation
    1. Check Equipment
    2. Prep Areas
    3. Clean MF
    4. Setup Inventory Parameters
  2. Close Doors
  3. Initialize Inventory
  4. Edit Cycle
    1. Scan
    2. Upload
    3. Create Worksheets
    4. Check for Errors
    5. Make Corrections
    6. Commit Worksheets
    7. Report Differences & Valuation
    8. Audit
  5. Open Doors
  6. Start Receiving
  7. Reconcile
  8. Post Worksheets to MF
  9. Adjustments after Posting

Software Overview

Each inventoried module, GM, Text and Trade requires it‟s own inventory initialization and worksheet(s). The main menu to perform all of the inventory steps is (module)-21-1.

The inventory steps include interlocks to prevent you from trying to take a step out of sequence.

  • The steps in the preparation phase are used to prepare the store for inventory counting.
  • The steps in the initialization phase are executed once to set everything up.
  • The steps of the edit cycle are started with one Edit/Enter/Commit Worksheets step, after that any step can be repeated in any order as necessary.
  • The posting phase only contains the posting step, the final step of the inventory process, normally done once.


This phase involves all the steps prior to performing the physical count.

Check Equipment

It is very important to make sure that all of the equipment to be used in the inventory process is functioning properly.

  • Be sure that all scanners can hold a charge and scan.
  • Locate all of the connection cables and/or cradles to prevent last minute hold ups.

Prep Areas

  • The system uses numbered inventory count sheets for manually entering and tracking the physical counts. We recommended that each fixture or shelf section should have a separate location number and that the location numbers should be used as your sheet numbers. All areas of the store should have a location, including the warehouse, all storage areas, register areas and offices.
  • It is recommended that each sheet/location should have up to approximately 50 different ISBN/SKU’S. (You don’t want too many items if there was a problem uploading)
  • Arrange all inventories in the sales floor and back office areas so that they are orderly, easy to access, and allow easy foot traffic through the area.
  • All inventoried items on location that have been received into the system need to be scanned.
  • Clearly mark all items that have not been received to prevent them from being counted. These items include returns to vendors and items not yet received.
    • It’s a good practice to receive all items prior to counting.

Clean the Master File

Prior to inventory is a good time to clean up the Master File and purge old inventory items. There are tools located in TX-SU-1-27-5, TR-SU-1-22-5 and GM-SU-1-5-1 to help with cleaning the MF.

Test Upload

Scan some items and upload them to the server to familiarize yourself with the process. This will give you some time to iron out any problems before you count. You will want to clear the DC file of any test uploads by going to (module)-21-1-31

Setting up Inventory Parameters

Inventory parameters are set once and then left alone unless you are changing the way you are going to use worksheets. The main inventory control parameter, in (Module)-UU-22, sets how you enter your physical counts in the worksheets. You can use any of these methods:

Your Upload Folder Path will be different than the one shown. If you need assistance please call support for assistance.

  1. Have the system create worksheets for all master file items for writing and keying in the counts.
  2. Create worksheets from SKUs and counts recorded into a portable terminal and uploaded to the system (scanners).
  3. Create worksheets by keying in each SKU and count from the keyboard.
  4. Inventory Worksheets created from Tricoder Scanner.
  5. Sheet# is Location should typically be Y

The Physical Inventory menu screen options will vary depending upon the inventory method that you choose.

Initializing Inventory

Once the parameters have been set you can initialize your inventory. This will create a “Set ID” that consists of the store, inventory date, and location code you enter. This ID helps keep worksheets from the same module together and separate from other inventories.

Immediately afterwards, if not before inventory has been initialized, close the store to begin your inventory count.

Edit Cycle

The edit cycle consists of counting inventory, uploading the counts into the system, creating worksheets, checking for and fixing any errors and committing the worksheets.

The following steps should be completed by this point:

  • Finish Receiving
  • Separate or mark all items not to be counted i.e. items not received into the system
  • Clean the MF
  • Close the doors
  • Initialize inventory


When scanning your inventory there are a few guidelines to follow:

  • Scan by sections (fixtures) top to bottom, left to right. If there are any errors, scanning in a uniform way will allow you to find the areas where these errors occurred.
  • Upload data frequently. This will help in locating items with errors and keep worksheets to a manageable size.
  1. Select option 1 from the main screen for Data Collection
  2. Select option 1 for Sample Program
    1. It will prompt to scan an item, scan an item’s barcode
    2. It will prompt for quantity, enter the quantity
      1. Step through until your location is complete
    3. Once a location is complete go to the PC to upload and being the upload process

Upload and Create Inventory Worksheets from Tricoder Scanner.

After inventory has been initialized from option 1 (see page 7), you may begin to upload your inventory

  1. Go to MODULE-21-1-2 to bring up the Tricoder Input screen
  2. Select the Store, Module, Employee (optional) and Location
    1. Location will become the sheet number if the Sheet# is Location is flagged as a Y in uu-22. This is the standard option.
    2. Do not re-use the same location number as it will overwrite the previous sheet.
  3. Press Enter after the location field and wait, the screen will be unresponsive until the upload is complete.
  4. On the TriCoder main menu select the Data Upload option and answer Yes/Press the F1 key.
  5. Once it finishes upload press Enter on your keyboard in the Tricoder Input screen. It should display something similar to the screenshot below.
  6. On the Tricode it will display End of Transmit, Del File [Y/N]. Respond with Yes and confirm.
    1. If the file isn’t deleted off of the TriCoder then the old data will be uploaded again on the next upload.

If there are any errors in the upload you will get a message to let you know how many. Under the validation row an item with ‘Valid’ is a good item, and item with ‘Not found’ is an item that caused the error in the upload. Not Found means that the SKU scanned was not found in the system. Verify from another host connection that the MF record exists when you enter the scanned SKU. Sometimes the TriCoder may not be configured to scan the correct check digits and will need to be configured to do so.

You may select the ‘M=Modify’ option to edit the SKU/ISBN number or enter ‘space’ to delete the record or manually correct the SKU.

Once all of the errors have been corrected use the V=Validate option to re-check that the SKU is valid. Once SKUs are valid select ‘P=Post’ to save to the DC (Data Collection) file.

Next choose Create Worksheets from DC (module-21-3). You can wait until all worksheets have been uploaded or you may create the worksheets after each upload. (We recommend creating the worksheets after each upload so that you can make sure everything is correct. You may also have someone start spot checking the worksheets if they have been created.)

Answer ‘N’ to both prompts.

You should get a message indicating the worksheets that were created and the number of items that were uploaded to the worksheets.

Now you can go in to (menu-21-4) Edit/Enter/Commit Worksheets and edit or modify the worksheet as needed. Once all editing is completed you may commit the worksheet. Committing the worksheet will lock it and prevent any further editing. The ‘Status’ will remain ‘O’ open until it has been committed.

Repeat menu options 2 – 4 for each location until you have finished inventory for the store.

Once all of the locations have been uploaded and the worksheets have been created, you need to run each of the report options 5 – 8. Check the information for each report and look for discrepancies from your inventory that are not acceptable.

Once all of the reports have been checked and you are satisfied that the information is correct, then you will need to Post Inventory to Master File (module-21-9).

Purchasing Guide

GM Purchasing Menu

Enter/Modify Pending Orders

This is menu option 1 in both the GM and Trade purchasing menus. This option allows you to create a pending purchase order for a single item in the masterfile. You can create them for as many items as you need to. This is an optional step that is preliminary to creating purchase orders. It allows you to establish a need for individual items without creating an actual purchase order. It is easy to make modifications to pending orders until the time that you decide to create purchase orders.

Print Pending Orders

Menu option 2 in GM and Trade purchasing menus. This will print all the pending orders that exist, or if you prefer only those for specified vendors. In GM it will not print items that are part of a matrix. This is left to Print Matrix Pending Orders.

Print Matrix Pending Orders

Menu option 3 in GM purchasing menu, not available in Trade. This will print the existing pending orders that contain items which are part of a color-size matrix. The matrix is setup in Masterfile Maintenance. You can also print only those matrix pending orders for certain vendors.

Create Purchase Orders (From Pending)

Menu option 4 in GM and 3 in Trade. This will consolidate all pending orders with the same vendor and the same shipping code and create purchase orders from them. This can be limited to certain vendors.

Print Purchase Orders (from Pending)

Menu option 5 in GM and 4 in Trade. In Trade “First Time” instead of “from Pending. This prints all of the purchase orders that have not been printed that were created from pending orders. You can print purchase orders for only certain vendors if you wish.

Modify Purchase Orders

Menu option 21 in GM and Trade. Here you can modify any purchase order by typing in the purchase order number. Also you create purchase orders. This is done by pressing a “.” in the first field.

Reprint Purchase Orders

Menu option 22 in GM and Trade. Here you can reprint and purchase order existing. If you created the purchase order using the “Modify Purchase Order” option, this is also where you should print your purchase order.

Purge Old Purchase Orders

Menu option 25 in GM and Trade. This clears old purchase orders from the purchase order file. You choose how old the purchase orders are.

General Merchandise Training


GM/Trade refers to the General Merchandise and Trade Books components of the TCS system. Since most of their functions are similar, they are combined here.

All merchandise items are maintained in a master file (MF), referenced by SKU/ISBN. SKUs may be added or deleted as required. Synonyms allow one item to be referenced by more than one SKU. The module handles Purchase Orders, Receiving, Returns, and Physical Inventory. A perpetual inventory is maintained; each receiving adds to the inventory, each sale subtracts from it. You can print bar-coded labels for the merchandise and print various reports.

Master File

Creating a New MF Item

  1. At the ‘Enter your user id:’ prompt, type “GM” to log onto the General Merchandise account.
  2. From the GM master menu, type in “MF” for ‘Master File Maint”.
  3. At the ‘SKU:’ prompt, there are three (3) different ways of adding a new item (or assigning it a SKU number). Either way is acceptable.
    1. Let the system automatically assign a SKU number
      1. To let the system automatically assign a SKU number, enter a ‘period’ “.” and the system will assign the item the next sequential SKU number in the system.
      2. After entering a period “.”, your next prompt will be the ‘Description:’ field.
    2. To enter in your own SKU number
      1. Enter in the SKU number you have listed for this item.
      2. After entering your own SKU number, you will be presented with the prompt “Item not on file, Do you wish to add or copy? [A]=Add, [C]=Copy, [X]=Cancel”
        1. Choose “A” to add the item
        2. Note: You will only be presented with the ‘Item not on file’ prompt if the SKU number is not found in the system. If there is already an existing SKU number, the item that has that SKU number will be displayed. You will then either need to delete the old item, or assign the new item a different SKU number.
    3. Scan the manufacturer bar code to create the SKU number (if you have a scanner available at the workstation that you are at)
      1. Scan in the manufacturer bar code using the scanner.
      2. After scanning in the manufacturer bar code, you will be presented with the prompt “Item not on file, Do you wish to add or copy? [A]=Add, [C]=Copy, [X]=Cancel”
        1. Choose “A” to add the item
        2. Note: You will only be presented with the ‘Item not on file’ prompt if the SKU number is not found in the system. If there is already an existing SKU number, the item that has that SKU number will be displayed. You will then either need to delete the old item, or assign the new item a different SKU number.
  4. Enter the description of the item at the ‘Description:’ prompt.
    1. Make sure you use ‘meaningful’ descriptions, and try not to abbreviate. Most descriptions can be accomplished using 25 characters or less (including spaces), but you may use as many as 45 characters.
    2. Make sure you are consistent in describing like items. This field is a ‘cross-reference’ field, which means, you are able to do a search on various items by simply typing in a description of an item. For example:
      1. PEN will pick up PENcil, PEN, PENtal, PENdaflex
      2. CAN will pick up CANdy, CANvas, CANdle, CANary, CAN
  5. Enter the Vendor Number for the Manufacturer in the ‘Manufacturer:’ field.
    1. Presently, Manufacturer and Vendor are the same thing unless you have created Manufacturers in your Vendor Maintenance as well. In that case, enter in an appropriate Manufacturer number.
    2. You may also enter in a short description of the Vendor/Manufacturer such as “SUP” for ‘Supplies are Us’. Keep in mind that you will also pick up any other vendors having ‘SUP’ in their name.
  6. The ‘Style:’, ‘Color:’, and ‘Size:’ fields are optional fields.
  7. The ‘Status Code:’ field automatically defaults to “A” for Active.
  8. The ‘Date:’ field will automatically default to the current date.
  9. You must enter a valid Class Code in the ‘Class Code:’ field.
    1. You may enter a “??” or “//” to display a list box of valid class codes.
  10. Enter the Selling Price of the item in the ‘Sell Price:’ field.
    1. Entering “500” will be taken as $5.00. Only entering “5” will be taken as $0.05.
  11. The ‘UOM:’ field (Unit of Measurement) will normally default to “EA” for each.
  12. The ‘Price Code:’ field is optional and is used in special sale circumstances.
  13. The ‘Promo Price:’ field will default to “N” for No. Accept this default.
    1. This field is used in special sale circumstances.
  14. Enter “Y” in the ‘Print Label?:’ field.
  15. Enter the type of Bar Code Label Code you would normally use to print bar codes for this item in the ‘Label Code:’ field.
  16. Enter “Y” or “N” if the item is taxable or not in the ‘Taxable:’ field.
  17. Enter “Y” or “N” if the item is allowed to be discounted or not in the ‘Discountable:’ field.
  18. You must enter a valid Vendor for this item in the ‘Vendor’ field.
    1. You may do a “??” or “//” to display a list box of valid vendors, or you may enter in a brief description of a valid vendor such as “SUP” for ‘Supplies are Us’.
  19. The next two fields “Catalog #’ and ‘Barcode’ are both optional and can be left blank.
  20. You are required to enter in a Vendor List price in the ‘Vndr List’ field. Typically, the ‘Vendor List’ and ‘Sell Price’ are the same prices.
  21. Enter “EA” in the ‘UOM’ field (Unit of Measurement)
  22. Enter in the Vendor Cost in the ‘Vndr Cost’ field.
    1. The Vendor Cost is what you pay for the item – not what you will sell it for.
  23. The ‘UOM’ field under vendor cost automatically defaults to ‘EA’.
  24. The ‘Min Order’ field defaults to “1” and can be left at that number.
  25. If you are able to receive this item from multiple vendors, enter in the second vendor on line 2, and repeat steps 18-24.
  26. Keep pressing the ‘Enter’ key until you come to another screen (the rest of the fields in the first screen are optional).
  27. All the fields in this second screen are optional as well, so you can press ‘Enter’ until you see the ‘Options’ at the bottom of your screen.
  28. Press ‘Enter’ to accept the default of ‘Save’ (< >=Save).

Every item you will use in the system must be set up in this manner. In some of the processes that you will encounter, you will be asked if you would like to create a new item. Regardless of where you are at in the system and whatever process you are in that is asking you if you want to create a new item, you will go through the steps listed above in creating that new item.


Sometimes it’s necessary to refer to the same item by more than one SKU. This is readily done by making the second (third, fourth, etc.) SKU a synonym, pointing to the original SKU. Go to Synonym Maintenance (GM-SU-01-21) and enter the new SKU as the Synonym ID. Then enter the name of the existing SKU; it’s description will be displayed. Press Enter to save the synonym. When either value is entered as a SKU, the original record will be accessed.

To subsequently delete the synonym, go to Synonym Maintenance, enter the synonym and enter ‘D’ for delete.

Promotional Pricing

Please follow the guide located here on promo pricing.

Purchase Orders

Creating Pending Orders

Creating Pending Orders involves two steps, creating your pending orders, and then creating the purchase orders from pending. The purpose of Pending Orders is to group the items together that are going to the same vendor and putting them onto the same PO, This makes the process more simple for the vendor and yourself. Let’s get started with creating our pending orders.

  1. At the Enter your user id: prompt, enter ‘GM’ to log onto the General Merchandise Account.
  2. When you arrive at the GM main menu, Enter in a ‘1’ to take you to the Purchasing Menu.
  3. You are now at the main purchasing Menu, Choose option number ‘1’ to enter/modify pending orders.
  4. Next you will be prompted for a ID or Option number. To create a new one enter in a period and press enter.
  5. The next field you will be prompted for is the SKU number, enter in the sku of the item you want to place an order for and hit the enter key.
  6. Once you have hit enter it should automatically have filled in the Description, Manufacturer and Vendor number. Sometimes an item will have more than one particular vendor, if the one that was brought up is not the one you want to use, type in the correct vendor number and hit return.
  7. After you have verified the vendor is correct and you have to hit the enter key. The Store number, shipping code, and prices are automatically filled in. If all the rest of the information is correct, you will only need to change the quantity if it is greater than the default that is set to ‘1’.
  8. Once you have entered the amount you want ordered, you will be prompted for the UOM (Unit of Measure), Enter in the code for the ordering units here. These codes are set up using the following menu path: SU-Codes-Units of Measure.
  9. Enter through the rest of the fields until you come to the options at the bottom of the screen. You now have the Option either to save it by pressing the enter key, or cancel the pending order by pressing X.

You have now created a pending order for that item. Once you have gone through and created pending orders for all the items you need, it is time to create your purchase orders.

Creating Purchase Orders from Pending

  1. Once you are finished creating all your pending orders, it’s time to create Purchase Orders. From the main purchasing menu, choose option ‘4’ Create Purchase Orders (from pending) and enter.
  2. Enter in the specific vendor you want to create the purchase order for. Leave vendor # blank to process pending orders for all vendors. If you only want to process pending orders for specific vendors, enter the number or numbers (separated by commas).
  3. Leave the release date field blank to process all pending orders regardless of release date. If you specify a release date, all pending orders with a release date equal to or earlier than that date will be processed.
  4. Enter ‘Y’ to include pending orders with no release date assigned. Enter ‘N’ to exclude any pending orders without release dates assigned.
  5. Choose ‘Y’ to run procedure or ‘X’ to cancel.

You have now created a Purchase Order. After you have ran the procedure it should show you the First PO was #______ and the Last PO was #______. It should also send those numbers to the printer for you to keep as reference once you receive the items. Now that you have created a purchase order it is time to learn how to receive against a Purchase Order.

Creating Purchase Orders Manually

  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 1 for Purchasing.
  2. Next choose option 21 to Modify Purchase Orders.
    1. Even though the option here says to ‘Modify’, this is the option to create a manual purchase order.
  3. At the PO # prompt, enter a ‘.’ to get the next system assigned PO number.
    1. Throughout the system, entering a period (.) in a key field (the key is the unique identifier of the item that you are creating – whether you are creating a new PO, Receiving log, SKU….) will let the system assign the number.
  4. A prompt will appear letting you know that the item you are creating is not on file. Choose the Add option to add the item.
  5. If you need to adhere to certain PO numbers, enter in your PO number in the Alternate # field.
    1. The number (either numeric or alpha/numeric) entered in the Alternate # field will print on the PO as the PO number. The system assigned number will also be printed on the PO as a reference number.
  6. The Order Date will default to the current date, but can be changed to the date of your choosing.
  7. Enter the Vendor you will be creating the purchase order for.
    1. You can choose the vendor by either entering the vendor number or by entering the vendor name.
      1. If you enter the vendor number, you must enter the entire number.
      2. If you enter the vendor name, you need to enter at least 3 letters of the vendor name.
        1. American Vendors can be entered by full name, by Ame (or more letters), by Ven (or more letters), or by Ame Ven (or more letters).
        2. Outstanding Office Supplies can be entered by full name, by Out (or more letters), by Off (or more letters), by Sup (or more letters), by Out Off (or more letters), by Off Sup (or more letters), by Out Sup (or more letters), or by Out Off Sup (or more letters).
          1. Note that the order of the words does not matter. Outstanding Office Supplies will be found if you enter Supplies Office, or Sup Outstand Off.
  8. Enter your store number in the Ship To field.
  9. Enter the preferred method of shipping in the Ship Via field.
    1. If you are unsure what to enter, you may choose from a list that will display by entering two question marks (??).
  10. Entering Comments is optional as well as the Must Ship By field.
  11. To start adding items to the PO, choose the Add option when prompted as the line number is displayed.
    1. Choosing the Add option will display another Order Entry screen.
  12. Enter the SKU or Description of the item that you want to order.
    1. If you enter the SKU number, you must enter the entire SKU.
    2. If you enter by Description, you can enter part of the description as in the case of entering the vendor name.
  13. Enter the quantity you wish to order in the Order Qty field.
  14. The Vendor List, Selling Price, Discount %, and Cost fields will all default to the values assigned in the Master File for the item that you are ordering. You can change any of the values if you need to.
  15. Both the Order Comments and Rcvng Comments fields are optional.
  16. Choose the Save option to add the item to the PO.
  17. Continue choosing the Add option for as many items that you want to place on the PO.
  18. When you have completed entering the items for the PO, do not choose the Add option – instead, press the Enter key to continue.
  19. Choose the Save option to complete the Purchase Order process.
    1. Make sure you make note of the system assigned PO number for printing and receiving purposes.

Modifying Purchase Orders

  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 1 for Purchasing.
  2. Next choose option 21 to Modify Purchase Orders.
    1. Note, this is the same option used in creating Purchase Orders.
  3. Enter in the PO number of the PO you wish to modify.
  4. If you need to modify the Alternate #, Order Date, Vendor, Ship To, Ship Via, Comments or Must Ship By fields, use the modify option.
  5. If you need to Add new items or Change existing items, choose the Line Items option.
    1. To Add new items;
      1. Choose the Add option and add the new item using the same process as creating a purchase order.
    2. To Change existing items;
      1. Enter the line number of the item you wish to change and modify the item.
  6. When you have completed any modifications to the PO, choose the Save option to save and update the PO.

Printing Purchase Orders

  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 1 for Purchasing.
  2. Next choose option 22 to Reprint Purchase Orders.
  3. Since you can print more than one PO at the same time, enter the PO Number of the first PO you wish to print in the First Purchase Order # field.
    1. If you are only printing one PO, you must still enter the PO Number in the First Purchase Order # field.
    2. If you are printing more than one PO, the PO Number entered in the First Purchase Order # field must be sequentially lower than the next PO (keep the PO numbers in order).
  4. Enter the PO Number of the last PO you wish to print in the Last Purchase Order #.
    1. If you are only printing one PO, you must still enter the PO Number in the Last Purchase Order # field.
    2. If you are printing more than one PO, the PO Number entered in the Last Purchase Order # field must be the last PO sequentially of the group of PO’s you want to print.
  5. Enter the Printer Number you wish to print to in the Printer Assignment field.
    1. Each printer used to print through the system has been assigned a printer number. You must enter the printer number as Fx with x indicating the printer number.
      1. If printer number 2 was going to be used to print the PO, F2 would be entered in the Printer Assignment field.
  6. Choose the Y = Run Procedure option to print the PO.


  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 2 for Receiving.
  2. Next choose option 1 for Receiving Log.
  3. Since the Rcv Id is assigned by the system, enter a period (.) to get the next system assigned receiving ID number.
  4. A prompt will display if you are creating a new receiving log letting you know that the item is not on file. Choose the Add option.
  5. The Rcv Clerk field will default to the user that is signed on to that port, and the Rcv Date will default to the current date. Both may be modified if you wish.
  6. Enter the PO Number you wish to receive against in the PO Num field.
    1. The PO Number you will need to enter is located on the PO as either the Order Number or Reference #.
      1. Use the Order Number if you are using the system assigned PO Numbers to do all of your tracking for you.
      2. Use the Reference # if you are using the Alternate # field when creating the PO. The Reference # will then be the system assigned PO Number.
  7. At the prompt “A new PO number will remove any existing Line Items”, choose the Accept PO Number option.
  8. Some of the fields will automatically fill in using information that is on the PO that you are receiving against. With the other fields (up to the Inv Total field), they are all optional fields and do not need to be filled in. Below are brief descriptions of the optional fields if you do want to fill them in.
    1. Comments – receiving log comments
    2. Shipped Via – the method of shipment
    3. Cond Code – what kind of condition did the shipment arrive to you in
      1. The condition codes are user defined codes and can be maintained at GM-SU-03-23
    4. Num Pallets – how many pallets were used for this shipment
    5. Num Cartons – how many cartons were in this shipment
    6. Inv Num – what is the invoice number for this shipment
      1. Presently, if you do not have an invoice number to enter at the time of receiving and after you Post your receiving, you will not be able to enter the invoice number at a later time. Do not let this hold you up from receiving! Continue with the receiving process even if you do not have an invoice number. (We currently have a project in development to allow you to enter an invoice number at a later date)
    7. Inv Date – the date of the invoice
  9. The Inv Total field is a required field and a figure needs to be entered.
    1. If you have the invoice, enter the amount of the invoice.
    2. If you do not have an invoice, you still need to enter an amount. Entering a zero (0) is a valid amount.
  10. Entering an amount in the Freight field is optional. If you have an invoice, enter the amount of freight if listed.
  11. You will be prompted with a message to Select a method for sorting the PO lines. It is strongly suggested to choose the PO line numbers option.
    1. Choosing the PO line numbers option will always keep your receiving log and purchase orders in the same order. This is extremely useful when receiving against multi-line PO’s.
  12. Depending on how your system is setup, you may or may not be prompted with the option to choose your method for entering received quantities.
    1. If you choose the Exception option, all of the order quantities of the items that are on the PO will be listed as the received quantities as well. This is useful when receiving an order that the majority of the items ordered are accounted for EXCEPT for a few items – thus the term Exception. You can still modify the received quantities regardless of what figures have been entered.
    2. If you choose the Manual option, you will need to go through each and every item listed on the Receiving Log and enter an amount – even if that amount is zero (0).
  13. With the cursor in the SKU field, press Enter to accept the SKU number.
  14. Enter the quantity received in the RQty field.
  15. You then have the opportunity to change any of the price and cost information. Making changes here will affect the master file if you choose to have your system automatically roll over receiving prices.
    1. To automatically roll receiving prices, see GM-UU-23-01-store number-screen 3.
  16. If you want to print tags for the items you are receiving, enter a Y in the Tags field.
  17. Continue through the rest of the receiving log until you are finished.
  18. The two main options at the bottom of the screen are S = Save, and P = Post & Save.
    1. The Save option will allow you to save the receiving log and gives you the opportunity to modify the receiving log at a later date (by entering the Receiving Log Id number instead of a period at the Rcv Id prompt). Using the Save option will not post the received items to the inventory.
    2. The Post & Save option will save the receiving log and post the received items to the inventory. Using the Post & Save option will not allow you to modify the receiving log at a later date.
  19. When choosing the Post & Save option, you may get a prompt letting you know that the Line item total + freight does not match the invoice total.
    1. If you did not have an invoice to enter an invoice total from, your figures will not match. Choose the Accept option in this case.
    2. If you entered an invoice total from an invoice, and the figures do not match, you may want to choose the Re-enter option and see if any of the line items had a price change.
    3. You may also choose to ignore the prompt and just choose the Accept option.


  1. Manual Chargeback or Pending Return
    1. It must first be decided whether to enter a chargeback or enter a suggested return.
  2. Chargeback
    1. Enter a chargeback if you know exactly what it is that you want to return.
  3. Suggested Returns
    1. This is to generate suggested returns or entering pending returns that can later be changed into a chargeback.
  4. Clear Suggested Returns
    1. Before you generate suggested returns, it is a good idea to run this procedure to clear out any suggested returns that may be lingering in the system.
  5. Create Suggested Returns
    1. This will create a number of pending returns with a status of ‘S’ for suggested. The initial selection is by the TR.MF or GM.MF file selecting with a quantity on hand greater than zero, checking also that purchase orders exist on file. The criteria on the returns are also different, than those in TEXT, in that the return is based on highest cost for the return with a secondary selection given based on the expiration date of the invoice.
  6. Sales Cutoff Date
    1. Anything that has not been sold since this date will be selected.
  7. Vendor Number
      1. You may limit this according to vendor.
  8. Expire Days
    1. To restrict it to items that will expire within a number of days, enter the number here. This is maintained in Vendor Maintenance (VM) with the vendor maximum months and the vendor minimum months.
  9. Enter Pending Return
    1. This allows you to enter the pending return yourself. It will remain as a pending return until made a chargeback or deleted.
  10. Modify Pending Returns
    1. You still may modify a pending return, before it becomes a chargeback.
  11. Change the Return Status to “Release”
    1. In order to change the pending return into a chargeback, you must first change the return status to release. This can be done individually, in Pending Return Maintenance, or you can change the status of the pending returns of a certain vendor all at once in Pend Returns Maint by Vendor.
  12. Create Chargeback
  13. Create from pending Returns
    1. This is a batch process that will consolidate all of the pending returns of a certain vendor and create a chargeback. The return status of the pending return must be ‘R’ for release.
  14. Enter Manually
    1. In “Enter/Maintain Returns” enter a ‘.’ to enter your own chargeback.
  15. Return Permission
    1. If the vendor requires permission to return something, you should now print the permission requests. Vendor maintenance is where it is specified whether a vendor requires permission.
  16. Send and Receive Permission Requests
    1. Once the permission requests have been printed, they are sent out, confirmed, and returned.
  17. Print/Send Chargebacks
    1. Now the chargebacks are printed. If you only want to print chargebacks with certain vendors, then enter their codes. The chargeback records can be sent out with the merchandise so that your account can be credited.
  18. Inventory Adjusted
    1. To determine when the inventory will be adjusted, go to Returns Parameters (SU-2-6) and select ‘Consolidated’ or ‘Chargeback’. Consolidated will adjust the inventory when you create chargebacks from the pending returns. Chargeback will adjust the inventory when the chargebacks are printed.

Performing a Physical Inventory


Physical inventory consists of initializing the master file, recording quantities on hand (QOH) onto worksheets, checking the worksheets, and posting the counts to the master file.

Initializing the master file clears out any old worksheets and saves the current QOH values. Counts can be recorded on the worksheets manually or through a programmable scanner. Various reports are available to help check the worksheets. Posting updates the master file QOH counts.

Posting assumes the worksheet count is the count at the time of initialization. The new QOH counts are set to the worksheet counts minus any changes in the master file QOH since initialization. This allows you to continue to sell and receive inventory between initialization and posting.

Worksheets are identified by store, date, and sheet number. (Ignore any references to a Location Code, keep its value blank.) This uniquely identifies each set of worksheets. The worksheets can be created three different ways: by pre-loading it from the master file, by pre-loading it from a portable Densei scanner, and by manually creating it. When old worksheets become a year old, they are automatically deleted at the next initialization.

Worksheets may be Open, Committed, or Posted. Open worksheets can have their counts modified. Only counts from committed worksheets will be included in the posting. Items from open worksheets will not be included.

The menus have three sections, separated with a blank line: initialization, edit cycle, and posting. Interlocks require completing one section before proceeding to the next.


Make sure you’ve set the correct Inventory Method: A, B, or C (GM-SU-02-03). Use method A if you want to initialize a set of worksheets from the master file, method B if you’re going to create most of your worksheets from items scanned with the Densei scanner and method C if you’re going to manually create all your worksheets. Methods A and B also allow manual creation of worksheets for any adjustments you may need to make for items already on other worksheets. Each method has slightly different menu options for the inventory.

Regardless of the method, current master file QOH counts are saved so any changes before posting can be used to adjust the worksheet count.

You must initialize (GM-24-01-01) before you can do anything else. Enter the date you want to use as the inventory date. This date identifies this inventory, so the same date must be used throughout the inventory.

Counting & Verifying (Edit Cycle)

As explained above, method B allows counting items with a special Densei scanner. You then create worksheets from the scanned items. You can commit the worksheets as you create them, or leave them open and commit each one manually at a later time. Special reports help you monitor the status of all items scanned. Only items in the master file can be included in any worksheets; you’ll be notified of any scanned items that are missing.

You can modify the count on any open worksheet, but once it’s committed you can only change a count by entering an adjusting count for the same item on another open worksheet. Do not try to make adjustments through the inventory adjustments menu between initialization and posting; they won’t have any effect.

Various reports help you monitor and confirm the counts before you perform the irreversible stop of posting. You can run the reports as often as you want to verify and refine the inventory count.

Print non-committed sheets

Lets you see which worksheets won’t be included in the posting if done at this time.

Master file status report

The other reports look at the inventory from a worksheet viewpoint, but this one lets you look at the inventory status of items from the viewpoint of the master file. Various options help you check on the progress of the inventory.

Print Adjustments / Valuation

This report shows you the cost/price valuation of the worksheet items, open and committed, at this point in time, along with the difference between the old master file QOH counts and what they’ll be if you post the current worksheets.


You can add new worksheets at any time up to posting. The same item can be on more than one worksheet; the counts are added together. If you’ve committed a worksheet and discover an error in the count, you can manually create a worksheet and record a compensating count, positive or negative, for the item, so when they’re added together they provide the correct count.

You can delete any worksheet at any time prior to posting.

You can print any worksheet at any time.

For inventory method B, you can also print status reports on the intermediate file holding the Densei scanned data before it goes to a worksheet.

Posting the Counts

Once you’ve confirmed that you have the correct counts in committed worksheets for all the master file items you want updated, you can perform the irreversible posting step. This is where the master file QOH values are actually changed. For each item, the worksheet counts are added together and the difference between the QOH at initialization and the current QOH is subtracted for the new QOH value. For example, if the item count at initialization was 10, the worksheet counts total 8, and 3 items were sold between initialization and posting, the new QOH will be 5 (the counted 8 minus (the original 10 minus the current 7)).

Corrections after Posting

Corrections during inventory, between initialization and posting, must be made on worksheets. Corrections between inventories are made through the inventory adjustments menu (GM-24-02). Enter the SKU, the adjustment amount, and the reason code for why the adjustment was made. An inventory adjustment report (RP-01-21) lets you review and monitor these adjustments.

Printing Barcode Labels

You can print tags from the MF Maintenance menus, from Receiving, or from the TAG account’s main menu. You can have as many different types of tags as you want; each will be identified by a unique tag type (TAGS-25). Each tag type includes a header tag format and a detail tag format. When you print several sets of tags at once, the header tag helps you find the beginning of each set of tags. The detail tags are the ones you attach to the merchandise.

Each Tag Type specifies the type’s Code, the Header and Detail Tag formats (TAGS-24), how many Header Tags to print at the beginning of each run, and where to print the tags. An item’s tag type must be specified explicitly at the TAGS menus, while Receiving and MF Maintenance pick up the tag type according to the following priority.

The Label Code specified in the SKU definition (GM-MF, SKU) – or if it’s null,

the Tag Default specified in the Class definition (GM-SU-01-02) – or if’s null,

the Tag Type used in the last print job.

Whenever you’re asked to enter a tag type, you can enter ?? to get a list of what types are available.

End of Day Procedures

End of Day Procedures

These are procedures that need to be performed at each register.

  1. As you complete the transactions needed at any one of the registers and are ready to close the register, press the X-REPORT key. The X-REPORT will give you all the same information as the Z report, only it will not zero out any totals.
  2. If you are satisfied with the result of the X-report, or are ready to close the register, press the CLOSE key. The CLOSE is the Z-report and will zero out all the totals for that individual register.
  3. Collect all the cash, coin, credit card, checks, and any other form of tender that was taken on that register.

These are procedures to be completed after all registers have been CLOSED. (This can be performed at the computer that you normally do your Back Office work at.)

  1. Close-out your credit cards. (Self hosted customers only)
    1. From the POS Master Menu, choose option 5 for Credit Cards & Communications.
    2. Choose option 2 for Close Batch / Data Capture / Post Auth
    3. Type in the protocol that you use to process credit cards in the Communications Link ID field.
      1. This field may already default to the protocol that you already use. If it does, just press Enter.
    4. Click Continue as the box that contains the process warning is displayed.
    5. Click on option 1 to Capture all open batches for all merchant Ids.
    6. Click on Yes to continue.
    7. The batch will be processed and closed, and you should see a GB (Good Batch) or Accepted, or something similar to let you know that the batch has been closed. If you receive a different message, try steps a-f again to see if the batch will close. If the batch still does not close, call the credit card company (call the number that you would use for voice authorizations).
  2. Print a Tender Summary report to reconcile your registers.
    1. From the POS Master Menu, choose the RP option for the Report Menu.
    2. Choose option 2 for Tender Reports.
    3. Choose option 21 for Tender / Register Summary.
    4. Enter your store number (1) unless it has already defaulted to your store number.
    5. Enter the Beginning Date of the date you want to report on.
      1. Normally, this date would be the current date, or the date that you are closing for.
      2. If you wanted to report on any previous date, or a date range, enter the beginning date that you want to report on.
    6. Enter the Ending Date of the date you want to report on.
      1. Normally, this date would be the current date, or the date that you are closing for.
      2. If you wanted to report on any previous date, or a date range, enter the ending date that you want to report on.
    7. Unless you want to report on a specific register, leave the Register field blank.
      1. By leaving the field blank, all registers will be reported on, and separate reports will be printed for each register.
      2. If you wanted to report on a specific register, enter the three digit register number.
    8. Enter N for the Summarize Registers field.
      1. Entering a Y will combine all the registers together into a single report and will not produce separate reports for each of the individual registers.
    9. Choose the Y option to Run the Procedure.
    10. Make sure you choose the printer option to print the report to the printer.
    11. Choose the appropriate printer to print to.
      1. This will normally be your main system printer. If you use another printer, choose that printer.
    12. Reconcile your registers.
  3. Perform the nightly Backup.
    1. From the POS Master Menu, choose option 23 for End of Day Functions.
    2. Next choose option 28 for Nightly Resize & Backup.
    3. The Tape Device # should be 3.
    4. The Start Time should be blank.
    5. The Run in Background, Resize Files, and Process History fields should all be N unless otherwise instructed.
    6. Choose the S option to Start.
    7. At the prompt “Is the correct tape in the tape drive”, choose Yes.
    8. When the backup is completed, the screen will return to asking for your User Code and Password.

Discount Matrix

Setting Up A Discount Matrix and Global Modifier

You can set up a discount matrix which will give discounts to specific groups of customers based upon specific percentages for specific class ranges. To set one up, follow these steps.

From the POSiTrak Main Menu, select the POS Parameters option, followed by the Discount Matrix option to get to the Discount Matrix Maintenance screen (POS-2-6).

Enter a code that you want to use to represent the new matrix. To modify an existing matrix, enter the code that represents that matrix.

Enter a description of the discount matrix.

In the Group Desc fields, enter descriptions of the groups for which you are setting up the discount matrix. If you don’t need to use all eight fields, leave the unused fields blank.

In the Purchase Level fields, enter the minimum amount that the customer must purchase for the discount to be applicable. You need to enter a value in these fields for every group you entered previously. Optional

In the Mrkdwn/Discount fields, enter “IM” if the matrix denotes a markdown on a specific item, “TM” if it denotes a markdown on the entire transaction, “ID” if it denotes a discount on a specific item, or “TD” if it denotes a discount on the entire transaction. You must enter a value in these fields for every group.

In the Double Discount fields, enter “YY” if you want to allow both transaction double discounting and line item double discounting. Enter “YN” if you want to allow only transaction double discounting. Enter “NY” if you want to allow only line item double discounting. Enter “NN” if you do not want to allow double discounting. Fill in this field for each group.

In the BClass field, enter the beginning class for which the discount is applicable. In the EClass field, enter the ending class.

Enter the percentage discount for each group. The format is “10.00” for 10%, “20.00” for 20%, etc.

Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each group of class discounts you want to set up.

Press [ENTER] to save the discount matrix.

Sample Matrix (You can have several different matrix records.)

Set up the modifier code that applies this discount matrix. The fields that you must fill in are the Type field, the Cashier Prompt field, and the Discount Matrix Code field. The Type field must contain either “IDM” or “TDM” for item discount matrix or transaction discount matrix. The Cashier Prompt field should list the groups in a format similar to “1-[Group Name] 2-[Group Name]” where the numbers correspond to the Discount Group numbers above the names. The Discount Matrix Code field should contain the code that you entered in step 2.

Sample Modifier Screen for the discount matrix above.

The next step is to assign this modifier/discount as a Global Modifier that will be invoked after each item is scanned. Choose menu path POS-2-1 – General Parameters. Add the modifier code and the discount column to the “Global Line Item Disc. Modifier field. The format is COLUMN|DISCOUNTCODE. (The “|” character is the pipe symbol.)

In the following example it is set to “1|IDM”. The “IDM” causes it to use the IDM modifier and the “1” causes it to choose column 1 from the discount matrix table. (See the screen on the following page.)

Create Matrix Items

This document explains how to create and modify GM Matrix items. The Matrix is for items that come in different sizes and colors. It allows you to link these items together—maintaining, ordering, and receiving them as a group. Yet it also allows you the flexibility to do those things with individual matrix items as well. Here are the steps to making a matrix item.

  1. Set Up Color Codes
  2. Set Up Size Codes
  3. Create “Mother” SKU in MF
  4. Add Matrix Items
  5. Modify Matrix Items

The way the matrix works is that you create a “Mother” SKU in Masterfile Maintenance. This is a master SKU that will be used to link the matrix items together. Then you choose the Matrix option on the masterfile screen and enter a size and color combination for each matrix member you wish to have included. A new SKU is generated, or if the individual SKU is already on the Masterfile, you would enter it’s existing SKU. These steps are explained in detail in this document.

The Color Index and Size Index are used, with the Parent SKU, to generate a SKU for a matrix item

  • Set Up Color Codes

Go to the Color Code Maintenance Screen (menu path SU-3-3).

  • Type in either a “.” for a numeric code or type your own short alphanumeric code.
  • Enter a description of the color.
  • Enter in a number for the index. If the code is alphanumeric, then the index must be above 100. If the Color Code is numeric make the Color Index the same number, if possible.

Repeat these steps for each color code you wish to use.

  • Set Up Size Codes

Go to Size Table Maintenance Screen (menu path SU-3-4).

  • Enter in a Size Code. Enter “.” for a numeric code, or enter your own alphanumeric code.
  • Enter a description of the size.
  • Enter a number in the Size Index field. This can be the same number that is in the Size Code field.

Repeat this for every size code you wish to use.

  • Create “Mother” SKU in MF

Go to Masterfile Maintenance, by typing “MF”. Now add a new masterfile item by typing a “.”

  • Except for the size and the color, everything you enter here is used as a default for the matrix members.
  • Once you have entered the MF item, type “U” at the bottom of the screen.

You will be prompted with this message.

  • Choose Continue.

This saves the mother SKU in the masterfile. This is necessary before continuing.

  • Add Matrix Items

Once you have entered “U” from the masterfile screen, you will go to this matrix screen.

The SKU generated is the Mother SKU with both the Color Index and the Size Index added as a suffix.

  • First type “A” to add matrix items.
  • Choose a color code in the Color field and a size code in the Size field.
  • Accept the generated SKU unless the individual matrix item already exists on the masterfile. In that case enter it’s SKU instead.
  • Enter its selling price in the Sell Price field. The mother SKU’s price comes in as a default, but can be changed.
  • Enter the Unit of Measure code, usually this will be “EA”.

Repeat these steps for each matrix member that you wish to enter.

  • Choose “C”. This creates an MF record for each matrix member. You can also just hit enter to save, and the masterfile records will be created automatically


  • Modify Matrix Items

Once the masterfile record has been created for the individual matrix member, enter the line number of the matrix member you wish to modify. For example enter “3” to modify the third line item. Or you can go into Masterfile Maintenance and type in the matrix member’s SKU directly.

You will be taken to the masterfile screen with this prompt.

  • Choose Individual Member.
  • Enter “M” to modify.
  • Make changes and save them.

You must do these steps for each matrix member you wish to change.

POSConnect Setup


*To setup Host Online POSConnect see

Menu Path: (TotaLink-05-07-01, or POS-05-05-01-{enter your password}-05-07-01)

Communications Interface: Choose “PGPOST”.

Protocol: Choose “POSCONNECT”.

pgPost parameters are managed on each SmartLane register. Each SmartLane has its own unique port. If you make changes on the host they will not go to the registers.

The number following the IP address is the port number, see below.

-m is the timeout value, see below.

Input Options:

  1. pgPost Path: This is the directory on the server’s hard drive that the program “pgPost” is installed. Contact TCS support if that program is not installed.
  2. Packet Path: This is the directory on the server’s hard drive that the program will be reading and writing packets to.
  3. Proxy Server: Enter the name of the proxy server you use to connect to the Internet. If you do not have a proxy server, then leave this field blank.
  4. Proxy User & Proxy Password: This is only needed if your proxy server requires special authentication. Please enter the username and password here.
  5. Authorization Settings: Fill out this field as follows: (The values are case sensitive.) The only fields that should be changed by and end-user are the IP address and port number and the timeout value.


-H “ServiceName: POS_Connect_@transaction_code”

-d @filename

-o response

-m 60

http://<ip address or server name>:<port number>

“-m” is the timeout on the background process in seconds. This is the amount of time that we will wait on the Colleague Server to reply to our request. If there is no response within this time frame we assume that there is a communication failure. This value can be anything you want. Recommend values are between 30 and 120 (30 seconds to two minutes).

http: field. This field identifies the IP address and the port number we will communicate to. All registers should be using the same IP address. Each individual register will use the port number assigned by the IT department of the school to use for that register number. Sharing port numbers with other registers will hinder performance and usually cause unnecessary timeouts.

Batch Settings: These fields are not used. You can leave them blank or use them for notes and comments.


Transaction Types (POS-2-5)

A transaction type should be setup for both financial aid sale and financial aid return.

Input Options:

  1. Description: Choose any description you like.
  2. Category: Make this “SA” for sale and “RT” for return.
  3. Factor: Use “1” for sale and “-1” for return.
  4. Taxable: “Y” or “N” depending on whether financial aid is taxable. If it depends on other factors, then enter “Y”.

It is important that “POS.AR.POSCONNECT” be the Beginning Subroutine. Also note that you should have your Default Tender Code be whatever you setup as the financial aid tender. This should not be the same tender that you use for the TCS Retail AR system. The other fields are optional.

Tender Codes (POS-2-4)

Setup a Tender Code for financial aid.

Input Options:

  1. Description: Make this “Financial Aid” or something meaningful to you.
  2. Tender Category: Choose the tender category that you have setup for this tender in Tender Categories. More than one tender can share the same tender category. If there is not a tender category that you want to use, add it in Tender Categories (POS-2-23). These are the tenders that will show on the x and z-tapes.
  3. Accounts Receivable Type: Make this “1”.
    1. There is a special case where this can be a “4”. This is used when funds are not validated against Colleague. This requires some customization with TCS and PSS.
  4. Open Cash Drawer: Make this “N”.
  5. Tender Amount Required: Do you want the cashier to enter the amount for each sale? Enter “Y” or “N”.
  6. Summarization Code: This is the summarization code that will be used in the Register summary reports (90-2-21 and 90-2-22). This will affect the way the report groups tenders together. This can be anything you choose.
  7. Check Digit Scheme: Make this “POSCONNECT”.
  8. File Verification: Make this “X”.

Leave the other fields blank.

Setting up POS Keyboard

You can setup keys on your keyboard for the transaction types and tender code you have just setup. Refer to the documentation on setting up your Function Key Definitions (POS-3-5). You simply need to assign your transaction and tender codes to one of the available keys. Also label your key caps on the keyboard.

Customer Types (AR-SU-4)

For each fund source you may set up a customer type in the TCS AR module with the exact same code as found on the financial aid host. If this is not set up then a default, hardcoded in the software is used to allow you to proceed.

(The following screen has the default values that the software uses if you do not setup your specific customer types.)

Refer to the documentation on how to setup an AR customer type in order to complete the setup.Using POSConnect

Communication Process

If your installation was after December 2012 then POSConnect does not use a Start or Stop Process (POS-5-1-1) or (TOTALINK-1). If you have an installation older than December 2012 then you will need to set up the Process Control record and ensure that the process is turned ON.

Go to the line that the POSCONNECT process is running on. You will see the Process Name that was setup in the Link Specifications in the Process field. In the Status field type “ON” to turn the process on. You should see “SLEEPSUBX” or some other message in the System Location field that will indicate that the process is running.

You can also use the “OFF” command to turn the process off, “T” to toggle the process off and back on, or “KILL” to kill the process without allowing any pending transactions to finish.

Point of Sale

Cash Register (POS-1)

In the Tran Type choose the transaction type for this transaction by typing and hitting enter or hitting the key on the keyboard. “FA” for example. This will bring up the following window.

There are three options to search for an account. Typing in the account id, typing in the campus id, or typing in the first and last name. You only need to choose one of these methods.

If more than one customer matches the search criteria, it will pull up a list of those customers for you to select.

Lookup Process

This process will find the customer in the Colleague database and return with the customer information.

Once you make the selection or if only one customer matches the criteria, then the screen will be filled out with the customer’s address and fund information. You will be asked to select a fund from those that are listed.

Inquiry Process

Once the customer is selected you will be able to select which fund to use.

Proceed with the transaction as you would any other cash register transaction. To check what type of merchandise the customer can purchase and to see the remaining available funds you can type “|ARD” (it’s best to set this up in a function key).

When complete press the Total key. The Default Tender (set up in the Transaction Type maintenance) will appear with the FA amount. If it does not appear automatically the simply enter the amount and press the FA tender code button. You must then wait for the transaction to be submitted to Colleague.

If it completes successfully the receipt will be completed. If it doesn’t complete successfully it will give you an error message that it did not complete and ask if you wish to submit again. If there is a cash amount due then you will enter the appropriate tender for that.

If the customer goes over their limit a warning will be displayed asking if the customer wants to pay cash for the difference. If they respond with “Yes” then follow these instructions.

If they have another award that they want to use then do the following: (IMPORTANT – do not ring up any additional items at this point.)

If the customer goes over their limit and they have other funds available then do the following:

  1. Press the A/R Split key (|ARCASH) in the QTY/SKU/Mod/Xref field.
  2. Total the transaction.
  3. Press enter for the FA tender code to complete this transaction.
  4. Start the next transaction.
    1. Select the next Fund Source to use.
  5. For the very 1st Qty/SKU/Mod/Xref item press the A/R Split key (|ARCASH). The system will bring in the inventory code of the last item scanned from the prior transaction.
  6. Proceed with the transaction by entering more merchandise or pressing the total key.
  7. If the customer goes their limit and they have other funds then repeat this process.

(The A/R Split is doing that same thing as if you entered an exchange to a class code. To do this, manually enter |IEX, the class number for new books, the amount of the split, press total. Start the next transaction off with entering the class number for new books, the amount of the split, begin scanning the next items, complete the transaction. This process can be repeated for more awards if necessary.)

If they DO NOT have another award that they want to use then continue with the transaction as you would any other transaction:

  1. When each item is scanned the warning messaged and the prompt about paying cash will appear.
  2. When done press the total key.

Make sure the customer has adequate “cash” to pay for the difference before submitting the charge to Colleague.

Once you have submitted the FA tender code the funds are committed in Colleague and you cannot Abort/Exit or modify the transaction. If you have made an error you must complete the transaction using the Cash tender. Then PostVoid the transaction and start over.

Host Timeout

If the host times out then you have a few options.

If you answer “No” it will take you back to the tender prompt. The cashier must either try to submit again, use another tender, or abort the transaction. If you are unable to abort the transaction you will have to complete it with the Cash tender and then PostVoid it.

If you answer “Yes” it will submit again. (There is checking to prevent duplicate invoices for the same transaction.)

Pending Status. If the transaction comes back with a pending status it means that the transaction has not yet posted to Colleague but it is in the queue and will be posted soon. In this scenario you will get four options: Check Status, Resend, Exit, and Complete Sale.

Check Status will check whether the sale is completed, and will tell you the result. Resend will try to resend the transaction. Exit will return you to the tender prompt as explained above without completing the sale. Complete Sale will complete the sale on the TCS Retail side without the verification that it completed on the financial aid host.

If you choose Complete Sale it does not guarantee that the transaction went through on the host.

If any transactions are completed with the ‘Complete Sale’ option they should be verified that they went through on Colleague. You should save the receipt separately, or run a report to identify those transactions. You can run a report to see which transactions may not have been posted in Colleague by going to the POSConnect Error Report (POS-RP-1-6-21).

In the report parameters, put the Error Message as “<PC1>” or leave it blank. Leaving it blank will give you all error messages for POSConnect transactions. “<PC1>” will specifically give you the transactions that were completed offline (on TCS, but unverified that it went through to Colleague.)

Beginning Date & Ending Date are required fields.

Use Hist File should be set to “N”.

This will give you a report such as the following.

This report displays a couple of financial aid returns that were completed at the register, but whether they went through on the financial aid host, is unknown.

Accounts Payable Training

Getting Started

Utilities and A/P System Parameters

The Utilities/Setup menu allows you to establish basic static data about your organization. Generally this data is rarely changed. It also contains rarely used functions that are not part of normal daily or periodic processes.

As with all menus the Global Menu appears at the bottom allowing you to easily switch to common functions if necessary.

General Parameters

This is where you enter basic information about your organization.

  1. Business Name
  2. Address
  3. The Federal Tax ID is used when printing 1099 forms. If you will not be printing 1099 forms then this field is optional.
  4. The Current Account Period is the month that invoices that are being entered will be posted to. You may set this here or from Main Menu > 3. End of Month > 3. Change Accounting Period.
  5. The A/P Ledger Account Number is the “offset” account for all A/P transactions. This is the liability account that you set up in the G/L module.
  6. Show PM Menu. If you will be printing checks or spooling reports to hold files then enter a Y here. This will cause the Printer Mgmt menu to appear on the Main Menu.
  7. Some organizations set a minimum check amount to limit the number of checks that are sent for “insignificant” amounts. Usually a zero check would not be printed. Zero checks, or checks less than zero could occur if you have credits that offset or exceed invoice amounts.
  8. The check preview process lets you view the invoices and credits for each vendor prior to printing checks. (Or where implemented, prior to preparing payment vouchers.) This report can be sorted by Vendor Number of Vendor Name. Enter a “V” for Vendor Number, an “N” for Vendor Name.
  9. If you take Purchase Discounts then enter the appropriate G/L number.

Maintain Ledger Accounts

*** If you are using the SmartSuite G/L Module you should manage your G/L accounts in the G/L Module and not use this menu option.

  1. G/L Account Number.
  2. Enter a brief description of the account.
  3. Status. Enter “A” for active or “I” for inactive. Inactive accounts cannot be used when entering a new invoice. The description for invoices and reports come from this file. You can delete accounts if they will no longer be used for any reports.

To delete an account enter a “D” at the Options prompt.

  1. Indicate if the balance of this account is usually a Debit or a Credit balance by entering a “D” or a “C”.
  2. Indicate the general category of the account by entering “A” for asset, “L” for liability, “OE” for owner equity, “E” for expense or “I” for income.

Payment Terms


This table is used to automatically calculate due dates and discounts during invoice entry.

  1. Enter a brief code – no spaces allowed – that will represent your payment terms.
  2. Enter a brief description. There is limited space on the invoice enter screen for this description so make it as concise as possible.
  3. Indicate what date will be used for determining the age of an invoice. Use “I” for Invoice date or “R” for Received date.
  4. Discount Percent is the percentage (with two decimals) that will be applied for timely payments.
  5. Days for Discount is how many days after the Invoice or Receiving date that discounts are allowed.
  6. Specify the number of days following the Invoice or Receiving date that the invoice total is due for payment.

Rebuild Vendor Cross Reference

Select this option if you want to rebuild the vendor cross reference. This is a process that usually is only used after importing a vendor database.

When the process is complete simple press Enter or click on the “Done” button.

Check Formatting


Formatting checks to fit various check forms is accomplished by using this table. The system supports most standard check formats. It also allows for printing “supplemental” forms in the event that there are more invoices than what can be displayed on the check stub. Or, you can use up checks if the form limit is reached.

  1. Enter the printer number where this form will print. Use F6 for printer/form 6. You can also enter #of copies or HS, etc. If you are printing through Print Wizard then enter Wn where n is the printer number. Print Wizard is used whenever there is a need to print logos or signatures on the check stock.
    1. Options:
      1.  An.  The literal “A” followed by the “Auxport” printer sequence.  The printer sequence is based on the sequence in GUI Properties, Other, Printer Settings.  Most users use the same printer that is used for reports by just changing the paper in the printer to check stock.  Default printer settings are as follows:
        1. GUI Interfaces:
          1. Printer 1 is the Receipt Printer.
          2. Printer 2 is the Report Printer.
          3. Printer 3 is the Barcode Printer.
          4. Printer 4 is the Customer Display Pole.
          5. Printer 5-9 are Alternate  Printers.
          6. Printer 0 is for testing and sends the check “image” to the GUI viewer.
        2. Accuterm interfaces:
          1. Sends the check to the Auxport Printer.
      2. Wn.  The literal “W” followed by:
        1. ‘(‘printer filepath on the server’)’
        2. PDF.  Saves image to c:\spool\pdf\CheckNumber.pdf
        3. blank… Saves to NT:C:\SPOOL
  2. The Print Sequence specifies the order of printing the check stock. The system supports two and three section check stock. S=Stub, B=Body. Valid formats include “SB”, “SSB”, “BS”, “BSS”, “SBS”.
  3. If you wish to print a Form Feed after the last check (to eject the last form) then enter a “Y” otherwise enter “N”.
  4. The number of physical Lines on Body is how many total print lines are available on the Body of the form.
  5. The number of physical Lines on stub is how many total print lines are available on the Stub portion of the form.
  6. Lines on Supplemental is the number of lines that can be printed on a supplemental form before a new page starts.

Stub Factors

  1. Specify which row number on the stub you are referencing. If the number of Lines on Stub is 12 then this number should not exceed 12.
  2. Column is the physical column number on the stub where printing will begin.
  3. Attribute: This is a multi-function field. There are key words or free-form text. If what is entered here is not a keyword then the text will be printed. Key words and what they do include:
    1. “0” or “INVOICE” prints the invoice number
    2. “DATE” prints the invoice date
    3. “GROSS” prints the gross amount of the invoice
    4. “DISCOUNT” prints the discount taken on the invoice
    5. “NET” prints the net amount of the invoice (gross – discount)
    6. “Vnnn” prints field “nnn” of the vendor file
    7. “Cnnn” prints field “nnn” of the check file
    8. “Pnnn” prints field “nnn” of the check parameters file
    9. “COMMENTS” or “DESCxxx” prints the invoice check comments field
    10. “CHECK.GROSS” prints the check gross amount
    11. “CHECK.DISC” prints the check discount amount
    12. “CHECK.NET” prints the check net amount (check gross – check discount)
    13. “CK.ID” prints the check number
    14. “NAME” prints the vendor name
    15. “VENDOR” prints the vendor number
    16. “CHECK.DATE” prints the date of the check
    17. “nnn” prints field nnn of the check file
    18. Anything else prints what is typed in.
  4. Conversion is any valid “Pick” conversion code. Common codes include:
    1. D2/ – Date in mm/dd/yy format
    2. D4/ – Date in mm/dd/yyyy format
    3. MD2 – numbers with two decimals
    4. MD2 – numbers two decimals and commas where appropriate
  5. The Mask column is used the specify the justification and width of the field being printed.
    1. “L” indicates Left-justifed
    2. “R” indicates Right-justifed
    3. The symbol following the “L” or the “R” is fill character to use to complete fill up the width of the field.
      1. Use “#” to fill up the area with spaces.
      2. Use “%” to fill up the area with zeros.
    4. The number following “#” or “%” is how wide the field will be.
  6. TBM specifies Top, Middle or Bottom. On a check stub there are three areas 1) the Top row or heading, 2) the Bottom row or footing, and 3) the space between the top and bottom – the middle.
  7. Comments: This is free form text for you to note anything unique about the row of data.

Body Factors

  1. Specify which row number on the body you are referencing. If the number of Lines on body is 12 then this number should not exceed 12.
  2. Column is the physical column number on the body where printing will begin.
  3. Attribute: This is a multi-function field. There are key words or free-form text. If what is entered here is not a keyword then the text will be printed. Key words and what they do include:
    1. 0 or “CK.ID” prints the check number
    2. “DATE” prints the check date
    3. “NET” prints the check net amount
    4. “WORDS” prints the word representation of the check amount
    5. “VENDOR” prints the vendor number
    6. “NAME” prints the vendor name
    7. “ADDRESS” prints the vendor name, three lines of address, and one line with city, state, and zip code (blank lines are removed)
    8. “ADDRESS1” prints vendor address line1
    9. “ADDRESS2” prints vendor address line2
    10. “ADDRESS3” prints vendor address line3
    11. “CSZ” prints the city, state, and zip code
    12. “Vnnn” prints field “nnn” of the vendor file
    13. “Cnnn” prints field “nnn” of the check file
    14. “Pnnn” prints field “nnn” of the check parameters file
    15. “nnn” prints field nnn of the check recordd
    16. “SIG” prints a stored signature (only valid with Print Wizard)
    17. Anything else prints what is typed in.
  4. Conversion is any valid “Pick” conversion code. Common codes include:
    1. D2/ – Date in mm/dd/yy format
    2. D4/ – Date in mm/dd/yyyy format
    3. MD2 – numbers with two decimals
    4. MD2, – numbers two decimals and commas where appropriate
  5. The Mask column is used the specify the justification, fill character, and the width of the field being printed.
    1. “L” indicates Left-justified, usually used for words
    2. “R” indicates Right-justified, usually used for amounts
    3. The symbol following the “L” or the “R” is the fill character to use to completely fill up the width of the field that is not being used for data.
      1. Use “#” to fill up the area with spaces.
      2. Use “%” to fill up the area with zeros.
    4. The number following “#” or “%” is how wide the field will be.
  6. Comments: This is free form text for you to note anything unique about the row of data.

Merge Two Vendors


If you create two vendor records for the same vendor and there are invoices and payments made on both of them you can combine them into one vendor. This process also deletes the “Transfer From:” vendor.

You may use the cross reference in either Vendor field to search for the vendor by name.

After entering both vendors the following box appears:

If you select “Yes” then you will see the following box, with the appropriate information.

Press Enter or click on the “Continue” button to return to the menu.

Day-to-Day Functions

The day-to-day functions are accessed from the A/P Master Menu.

Vendor Maintenance

This menu option is at the bottom center of the screen and is accessed by click on the “hot spot” beginning with “VM” and ending somewhere after the words “Vendor Maintenance”.

  1. Vendor ID: This field functions to look up and existing vendor or to add a new vendor. To add a new customer you can enter a numeric value for the vendor or simple enter a period (“.”) and then press enter. If you typed in a number and the vendor record does not exist you will be prompted to add the customer or exit. If you used the period then can start to enter the information immediately.

To look up and exiting vendor simply type 3 or more letters of their name or the Sort Code. If there are more than on matches you will see a list to choose from. Here’s an example:

If there is more than one page of names then you can use the navigation at the bottom of the screen to move forward, back, etc., and to select a vendor. You can use your mouse and click on the row that their name is on to select the vendor.

  1. If it will be easier to look up a customer by a common abbreviation then enter that abbreviation in the Sort Code field. It may be easier to reference Prentice Hall by PH.
  2. Name, Address, etc. …..
  3. Valid Status codes include “A” for active, “I” for Inactive, “D” for delete.
    1. Active accounts allow you to enter invoices and process payments.
    2. Inactive accounts cannot have new invoices entered but they can receive payment s.
    3. Delete accounts are the same as Inactive.
  4. Enter the default payment Terms that will be used for this vendor. This can be overwritten during invoice entry.
  5. If you want to limit the maximum amount of checks for any given vendor then enter that amount in the Check Limit field. The check preparation/preview process use this limit as the maximum amount of the check that can be calculated. If an invoice will take the check over the limit then that invoice will be dropped from the calculation. No partial payments on an invoice will be made.
  6. Account Number is the vendor’s account number for you.
  7. If there is a default G/L account that will be used for most of the invoices from this vendor then enter it here. This account number will automatically populate the first G/L field during invoice entry.
  8. If this customer should receive a 1099 each year then put their federal tax id in the 1099 Code field. The amount that will appear on the 1099 is in the 1099 Amount field. This can be overwritten prior to preparing 1099’s
  9. The Priority field is used for reports to display the open invoices based on payment priority. It is seldom used but may be helpful for those vendors that must always be paid in a timely manner.
  10. Each invoice, when entered is required to have a description entered. You can set a default description in the Default Invoice Description field.
  11. You may enter any amount of miscellaneous information about the vendor in the are labeled Miscellaneous.

Invoices and Credits


Invoices and credits are entered in the same screen. Credits are entered with negative amounts.

  1. Vendor: Enter the vendor number our enter 3 or more letters of the vendor name or sort code to access the vendor.
    1. If the vendor you want to use you can enter a period “.” in the Vendor field to add a new vendor. This will take you to the vendor maintenance screen.
  2. Enter an Invoice Number.
    1. If you enter an existing invoice number then the screen will be filled with the data pertaining to that invoice.
    2. If you want to get a list of invoices for this vendor simply enter “??”.  You will be presented with a small prompt for Invoice Status.  You can enter the invoice status that you want to see or you can enter “??” again and get a list of Invoice Status choices.  The Choices include:  
    3.  You can then select an invoice from the list.
    4. If the invoice is not on file then you can begin filling out the invoice information.
  3. Enter the Status of this invoice. The valid codes include:
    1. “O” – Open for Payment.
    2. “H” – Hold for Payment, do not pay until the status changes to “O”.
    3. “U” – Unreconciled. Same as “H” but it cannot be paid until the status changes to “O”. It cannot be journalized.
  4. Goods/Services, Taxes, Freight, Purchase Order, and Receiving ID are filled automatically from the receiving modules. These fields are not required for any processing but are informational so that you can research the original documents.
  5. Check Comments appear on checks, if part of the check template.
  6. Misc Comments do not appear on checks, unless you add it to your check template.
  7. If you want to see what check(s) paid this invoice you may enter “Y” in the View Payments field or you may enter a “P” at the Options prompt.
  8. After entering Terms the Due Date, Pay Date, and Discount, if any, is calculated and displayed. You may override this fields as needed.
  9. Enter a “Y” in Sub Ledger to entered detailed invoice information. This is especially helpful for credit card payments or similar items that have a lot of detail that you want to summarize by G/L account. After entering Sub Ledger data the account summaries and amounts are displayed in the G/L Account and Amount fields.
  10. If the G/L Account you enter is flagged for payment tracking then the Project field is required.
  11. To delete a transaction enter “D” at “Options prompt”.  If the transaction has been journalized or paid you will need to select the “V”=Void option.

Check Processing

Check and voucher processing is done in either Batches of one or more vendors or by Quick Checks of just one invoice on the check.

All check processes write to the local A/P check file.  If you have the SmartSuite General Ledger system then the check data is also written to the G/L Cash Disbursements file. The  G/L Cash Disbursements file is what is used to create the Disbursements Journal Entry.  There is no process in A/P to post a Journal Entry for any check processing.

Quick Checks

Use this method to print a check for a single invoice.

  1. Enter a new invoice or access an existing invoice from menu AP-02.
    1. Status should be “O” (open for payment).
    2. Credit memos will not print. Only a positive invoice will print.
  2. At the “Options” prompt choose “Q=Quick Check”.

  1. Get the physical check that will be printed

  1. Enter the check number twice.
  2. Enter the bank code the check belongs to.
  3. Select “F” for final run.
  4. Place the check (properly oriented) in the printer.
  5. Select “R=Run Process”
  6. The check will now print on the printer.

Batch Checks

Use this method to print one or more checks for one or more vendors.

  1. Enter all of your invoices using menu AP-01.
  2. Select Menu AP-02. (Check Processing Menu)
  3. Select option 1 – Create Check Preview. This creates pre-checks that can be edited, modified, or printed.

    1. Enter a payment cutoff date for invoices to include in the check preview.
    2. Enter the date that will be printed on the checks.
    3. Enter “Y” or “N” to clear the check preview file. Usually this is “Y”, but if you need to rerun this process and include more vendors than were automatically included on the previous run then enter “N”.
    4. Enter a “Y” or “N” for Recurring Payments
    5. Optional. Enter the vendor numbers that you want to include on this check preview. Leaving the vendors blank will select all vendors.
    6. Optional. You may use the cross reference of 3 or more characters of one or more words of the vendor name to get the customer number.
    7. Select “R=Run Process”. This will create the check preview records.
  1. Optional. Select option 3 to print a report of the pre-checks.
  2. Optional. Select option 2 to view, modify, or delete a pre-check.

You should do at least one of the above to ensure that the invoices you are processing are the correct ones.

Check Preview Edit


  1. To delete an entire pre-check enter a “D” at the “Options” prompt.
  2. To delete an invoice from the check enter “M” at the “Options” prompt, then enter a space (or press the delete key) over the invoice number to be deleted from the pre-check.
  3. You can also modify the Gross Amount and the Discount.
  4. Repeat as often as necessary.

Print Checks

  1. Select option 4 to print the checks.
  2. Get the physical checks that will be printed.

  1. Enter the first check number twice.
  2. Enter the bank code the checks belong to.
  3. Select “F” for final run.
    1. (“T”rial printing is used for testing your check format and should be printed on plain paper to reduce the cost of wasting check stock.)
  4. Place the checks (properly oriented) in the printer.
  5. Select “R=Run Process”
  6. The checks will now print on the printer.

Void a Check


Use this feature to void a check that has been printed. All invoices on the check will return to their open, ready to print, status. The invoices then are ready to be included on another check run. If you want to void/cancel the invoices then you will have to remove them in invoice maintenance.

  1. Enter the system Check Number. This may not be the physical check number.
  2. Enter the Bank Code associated with the check number.
  3. The date of the voided check will be today’s date.

The basic information about the check is displayed and then you can choose to void the check or to cancel the process.

Manual Check Entry and Vendor Payments


If you manually prepared a check for a vendor then use this process to record the check and to update the invoices. This is also where you enter payments from vendors who send you a check for any credits.

  1. Enter a valid Vendor #. You may use the cross reference lookup here.
  2. Enter the physical Check Number that was used to pay the vendor.
  3. Enter the Bank Code associated with the check number.
  4. Enter the Check Date.
  5. You can next enter the invoices that were on the check. If you the invoice numbers then enter each one. You can use “??” to get a list of the open invoices for this vendor.
  6. After each Transaction # is entered you can override the gross and net amounts being paid for the invoice.

You cannot manually pay a transaction with an “H” status.

Note that a running total is being displayed in the upper right hand area of the screen as you add the invoices.

Check Inquiry


Use the Check Inquiry process to look at checks that have been created. This is very useful when a vendor calls and wants to know information regarding a payment.

  1. Enter Vendor number (or name).
  2. Enter the check number and the bank code in the format of checknumber*bankcode.
    1. It is easiest to use the “??” here. It will give you a complete list of checks for the vendor with the most current check listed first.

Reprint Checks


  1. Enter the First Check Number that you want to reprint. This is the actual system generate number.
  2. Enter the Last Check Number that you want to reprint. It you are just reprinting one check then use the same number as the First Check Number.
  3. Select “R” to run the procedure.

Posting Transactions to General Ledger

This is for customers who have the SmartSuite General Ledger module installed.  It posts ONLY A/P transactions (invoices and credits), it does not post checks.  Checks are posted in the G/L module.

Pre-Posting Report



You may run this report repeatedly. It is just a report.

  1. Enter the Invoice Cutoff Date.  The process will select ALL A/P transactions that have not been journalized with a date older than or equal to this date.  This way all transactions will eventually be journalized.
  2. Enter a letter to indicate what kind of data you want to see on this report. S is for Summary, D is for Detail, and E is for transactions with invalid G/L account numbers (this could be a result of settings in your distributions codes).
  3. Select “R” to run the procedure.

Create Journal Entry


  1. Enter the Invoice Cutoff Date. To keep things straight you should use the same date that you used in the Pre-Posting Report, although this is not mandatory.  Only one date for selecting the transactions is required.  All transactions that have not be journalized with this date or older will be included.
  2. Enter the Accounting Period to Post.  When the Journal Entry is created and written to the G/L module it will use this accounting period. Use a valid period.

Change Accounting Period (Optional)


This process is optional.  The accounting period will be updated with the Accounting Period to Post from AP-03-02.

  1. Enter the current Accounting Period.

Remove Posting Flag

This process allows you to re-post transactions that have already been journalized.  Please make sure that you have reversed or deleted the Journal Entry from the G/L account or you will have a double posting.



  1. Enter the Journal Code: This is generally in the format of AP*nnnn, where nnnn is the number portion of the original journal entry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When does receiving update the invoice file?

A. Invoices are updated when the receiving is posted.

Q. What happens if the database vendor does not have an A/P vendor linked to it?

A. The invoice is still created but the vendor number that is used is 99999. When this happens you will want to do two things, 1) correct the database vendor. This is done in GM-VM in the Additional Ordering screen. 2) Transfer the invoice to the correct A/P vendor. This is done in AP-04 (Change Vendor or Invoice).

You can stay ahead of the game by entering vendor 99999 in invoice entry and then enter ?? to get a list of any unlinked invoices. You can also run the report AP-RP-02-01. Leave all fields blank except for the vendor field. Put 99999 in the vendor field. You will see specific details about the inventory vendor in the Misc. Comments field.

The A/P Master Menu will display a message whenever there are Suspense transactions to be reconciled.  It will look similar to this.

The invoice information will tell you what to do.

Q. How to write off a Credit Memo?

A. If a vendor sends you a check for their credit memo then instead of voiding the memo invoice simply do a manual payment against the invoice(s).