Custom Reports Through Query Builder

The TCS Query Builder is a very powerful tool for users of SmartSuite to customize or create new reports that more specifically meet their needs.

The Basics

Verbs Can be either SORT or LIST. List is random and SORT is ordered.
Filename The SmartSuite system is comprised of several data files unique to each module.
Dictionaries Each data file has its own unique set of dictionaries that define how data fields are represented.
Selection Criteria The rules you define to limit the volume of data to be included on a report.
Sort Criteria The rules you set to define how the data will be sorted.
Output Criteria The columns that will be included on a report.


Nearly 100% of the reports in SmartSuite utilize the same rules that the Query Builder does. We just add a more complex screen for your parameters and do a few more technical things.

The best way to create a query is to start from an existing one. If you don’t have an existing one then choose one of the system reports and see how we did it. Try to run a report that contains similar data to what you would like to create. For example, if you are going to create a report to display sale information, then use a Sales report as a reference. This way you can see what filename we are pulling sales data from and can use that same filename in your query.

You can see our query string by running the report but instead of selecting terminal, or printer, etc. choose the option to show the Command String.

Here’s a simple command from POS-RP-04-21 (Cashier Listing).

This has a Verb (SORT), a Filename (POS.EM), and Output Criteria (NAME.15 SECURITY.LEVEL.8 MISC.INFO.40. There is also a HEADING.

Screen Elements

Here’s an example of a query created by an end-user for doing a sales export.

ID This can be alpha or numeric. It is just the name you want associated with the report and is assigned by the user.
Used By Can be left blank or filled in with the name of the person who will be the primary user of the report. (When you enter “??” in the ID field the list is sorted by Used By and then by Desc.)
Verb Use either SORT or LIST
Filename Enter “??” to view a list of all of the files for the database you are logged into (POS, TEXT, GM, etc.) This is where it is easier to use the Command String to see what file to use. After some experience you become familiar with our naming convention and the file names will make sense.
Selection Criteria Enter valid dictionary items. If you click on “??” you will see a complete list of the dictionaries for the file selected. Here is a list of the POS.EM file (employee master).

If you enter “Y” in the Prompt column then when you run the report you will be prompted for the value you want to use. Dates can be entered just like in our screens.

The “??” works the same in each area, so the explanation will not be repeated.

The “?” provides most of the information provided in this document.

Sort Criteria The report above is going to be sorted by DATE and then by KEY. Since it is using the SalesTransactionDetail file (POS.STD) the key is store*date*register*transaction.

Output Criteria This varies in that the 2nd column is for BREAKS. A Break is usually used to provide subtotals. It can also be used to create a logical break on the report. Break options include:

T Total the column

Y Break with no total

P When breaking start a new Page

D Only show the detail lines

U Underline the total

L Suppress and blank lines following a total or other break

Breaks can be combined to cause multiple effects.

Include Record IDs Frequently the ID to a file is cryptic and the data you are viewing is redundant to the ID (just formatted better); in this case enter an “N”. If you want to see the record IDs, then enter a “Y”.

Detail Lines If your primary interest is summary data then enter “N” for detail lines. The 1st time you run the report, or as you are developing it, leave this a “Y” to have a better feel for the data.

Column Headings This is almost always a “Y” but they can be turned off for exporting/importing.

Sample Size When developing the report, you may not want to wait very long for you to see what you will get. Enter number here and as soon as that number of detail records is reached the report will print (or display). We usually start with 10 and move up to 100 if necessary.

Grand Total Enter any wording you want to appear on a grand total line. The Mod: field is used to Underline any totals.

Heading This optional field will cause a heading to print at the top of the report.

There are 3 primary modifiers that can be used in defining a heading. They include:

L Create a Line Break

T Insert the Time & Date

P Insert the Page Number

Here’s a sample:


When you choose the Run option you will be prompted for any of the inputs you specified and then you will select where to print the report using the same options as all other SmartSuite reports.

Scanpal Usage Guide

Simple Overview

The overall process is listed below with more details following.

  1. Charge your scanners and verify that they will scan items. It’s also a good idea to do a test upload of the scanned data to the PC it connects to.
  2. You will follow the steps listed below once you start your inventory. Repeat them as necessary until it’s time to post your counts.
    1. Collect data. Be sure to enter the correct header information
    2. Upload the scanned to the SmartLane register (hosted customers) or the correct directory on your host (self hosted customers)
    3. Create your worksheets
    4. Run your reports
    5. Repeat steps 1-4 until everything is counted and reports look good.
  3. After everything appears to be correct you will post your inventory. This completes the inventory process and is irreversible.

Using the ScanPal

Upon powering on the unit you will be greeted with this main screen.

  • Collect Data is where all of the data collection settings and functions are located. You can specify stores, locations, the type of merchandise and many other settings here.
  • Upload Data is used to sync the gathered information to your PC.
  • System Utilities provides additional functions specific to the device itself as well as options on viewing or deleting data.

This guide will go through each screen step by step and explain all of the options and functions of that screen.

Collect Data

Collect Data contains the primary settings and functions for performing the counting process.

  • Header allows you to set the general settings to be used while scanning.
  • Scan data will scan the barcode and prompt you for a quantity
  • Location, Module, and Employee allow a temporary override of the settings specified in the header. You may quickly and temporarily change these for the next scan.

Header. These settings allow you to specify the store number, the name of the employee gathering the data, the location, module and class of the textbooks being scanned.

Scan Data. Scanning barcodes and quantities is done in this screen. The barcode may be scanned as well as manually entered. The default quantity is set to one, although this can be changed in the utilities section. The counter keeps track of the number of barcodes scanned, not the total inventory quantity.

If you need to check any data that was scanned you can go to Utilities, Browse Data to review and make changes.

Upload data.

There are a number of items that need to be setup before data can be uploaded. Check through this list to make sure that everything is ready before attempting to upload any data.

First Time Setup

  1. Please contact TCS Support to set up the ScanPal environment.

Transfer Steps

  1. Power on the scanner and from the main menu select “Upload Data”
  2. Connect the scanner to the PC
  3. Double click on the “Scanpal Upload – Shortcut” located on the desktop. If this shortcut does not exist then you will need to contact TCS support.
  4. Review the program window that opens to make sure all settings are correct
  5. Select “OK” to transfer the data to the PC
  • Directory: This is where the scanned text files are to be saved. This should be C:\Scanpal\Scanned Data but can be changed.
  • File name: You may specify a name for the file. If you specify a name please select New Name or Overwrite in the “File mode” field. It is recommended that you leave this blank and use the “Auto” file mode.
  • Enter the COM port the device is plugged into.
  • Leave Baud rate alone
  • File mode:
    • Overwrite will overwrite the previous file unless you specify a unique name
    • Append will merge all data
    • New Name is used when creating a new name
    • Auto will generate a sequential number for each file. Recommended
  • NEVER uncheck any check boxes unless directed by a TCS support technician to do so.


Transfer Data to the Data Collection File

New and existing customers will need to check the upload location in the system.

  1. Go to POS-UU-22 and verify that the Upload Folder Patch is:
    1. Typically C:\Palmsync for self hosted users
    2. C:\TCSDB\CUST\POS\HOST.SCANNED.DATA for hosted customers

Add Data to the DC File

  1. Minimize all windows until you are at the desktop
  2. On the desktop, double click the “Upload to Server – Shortcut”. Leave this open.
  3. On the desktop, double click on the “Scanner Data – Shortcut”.
    • There should be text documents containing your inventory counts in this folder
  4. Copy the text files in Scanner Data into the “Upload to Server” window.
    • These files will disappear once they have been added to the DC file on self hosted systems.
    • For hosted customers they will disappear once the SmartLane main menu option 7 – Send Inventory Scanned Data option is ran.
  5. The inventory data is now ready to be added to a worksheet.


Utilities allows you to change the device settings, browse and manipulate scanned data, run tests and view the status of the scanner.

  • System Settings is a password protected section that should not be altered unless directed by a member of the TCS support team.
  • Browse Data allows you to view the data scanned, edit it or delete it by individual record. Editing in this interface is not recommended, it is simpler to edit the data in notepad.
  • Delete Data allows you to delete the last record scanned or all data. All data is automatically deleted when it is uploaded.
  • Reading Test displays the barcode type and character length of a scanned barcode.
  • Set Date & Time adjusts the date and time on the device.
  • Download Program
  • Memory & Battery displays the remaining free space and remaining battery power.

Scan Sheet Example

SP2:Str:1,Emp:CC,Loc:,Typ:GM (GM, TR, N, U)

Printing Adoption Forms

Printing Adoption Forms

This makes the assumption that the new term has already been created. Please reference the Textbook Training page for instructions on how to open a term.

  1. Log to TX.RP.1.23 Print Adoption Forms
  2. Fill out the options for your needs
    1. Store
    2. Term* – this is the previous term to reference titles from.
    3. Beg Dept: and End Dept: – To limit the adoptions to just the departments entered.
    4. Course: – If a single department was entered then you can specify a course.
    5. Section: – If a course was entered then you can also specify a section.
    6. Current Term: – Enter the current or upcoming term for the adoptions
    7. Include Titles: – Blank or Y will print adopted titles or enter N to not include titles.
    8. Due Date* – Required field, this is the date the form should be returned from the instructor.
    9. Blank Forms Only: – Enter ‘Y’ if you want to print forms with no department, course,section or specific title information. The supposition is that the instructor will fill in all such information.
    10. Number of Blank Forms: – Enter the number of blank forms you want to print. You don’t have to enter anything if you did not answer ‘Y’ to the previous field.
    11. Select the R=Run Procedure to create the report
  3. From the main screen, select the PM – Printer Mgt. option
  4. Select the print job with the correct date/time from the list and then select the “Print Job” from the right. You can also select “System Wide” or “Account Wide” under the “Job View” section, to view additional print jobs either just within the current account (Text) or the system wide will view print jobs form other accounts (GM, POS, etc.).
  5. The normal print dialog box will display to allow you to select Terminal, Local Printer, Email, etc.

Getting a Report Into Excel

These instructions cover how to save your reports as a text file and then import it into Excel. Most reports are formatted in a way that allows this but there are a few exceptions. Exceptions occur when the report data doesn’t line up perfectly into columns, such as the Tender Register Summary report (POS-RP-2-21).

  1. First, run your report as normal and send the output to Terminal.
  2. Now we need to save the report as a text file on your computer to import into Excel.
    1. Click on the Save icon at the top of the Terminal Window
    2. Select where you want to save the file.
      • This can be anywhere on your computer. Typical locations will be Documents or Desktop
    3. Name the file
      • Keep it simple and preferably without spaces.
    4. Change the “Save as type” to “Text Files”
    5. Click on the Save button

Importing Into Excel

This assumes that the steps above have been performed and you have a copy of the report on your computer as a .txt file. Things can get a little confusing but if you watch the animated image in step 6 it will cover most of the non-intuitive steps.

  1. Open Excel
  2. Go to File > Open
    • Or press and hold the Ctrl key and then press O bring up the Open dialogue.
  3. Browse to where you saved the file in step 2.2 above
  4. Change the All Excel Files drop down box to All Files
  5. Select the .txt file saved in step 2.2 above
  6. In the Text Import Wizard (step 1 of 3) Select the Fixed width option
  7. In step 2 of 3, click and drag the arrows/lines to the edge of the text. These mark the columns to be used in the spreadsheet.
  8. In step 3 of 3, click on each column and asign the Text data format in the top left
    • You can select the first column, move the slider all the way to the right, press and hold SHIFT and click on the last column. With all columns selected click on the Text data format option on the top left.
    • Click Finish
  9. Now all of the data should be in the Excel document. The ISBN numbers should not look like a notation number (9.78129E+12) they should display as full ISBNs.
  10. Save the document.
    1. If sending to another organization (e.g. Redshelf ebook list, third party inventory company, etc.)
      1. Go to File > Save As.
      2. Browse to where you would like to save the document
      3. Enter a name in the File name field
      4. Click on the Save as type: drop down and select “CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)”
      5. Click on Save
      6. The file can now be sent as an attachment
    2. If saving for internal use
      1. Go to File > Save As.
      2. Browse to where you would like to save the document
      3. Enter a name in the File name field
      4. Choose whatever you would like as the file type. The default is typically .xlsx
      5. Click on Save

Redshelf Adoption Export

This is an overview on how to export your adoption list to Redshelf. This is done each semester after adoptions have been entered so that Redshelf can provide a list of available ebooks.

Redshelf will generate an import file from the adoption information which can be imported following the steps in the Redshelf Import article

  1. First, we need to run a Query Builder report to generate the file we’re going to send to Redshelf.
    1. Log to the TEXT module
    2. Type QB at the menu
    3. Enter REDSHELF in the ID field
      • You will see this Query Builder screen
    4. Select the R=Run Now option
    5. Enter you store number at the Store prompt (certain locations only)
    6. Enter your term code at the prompt
    7. Select the Terminal option for the destination
  2. Now we need to save the report as a text file and send that file to Redshelf
    1. Click on the Save icon at the top of the Terminal Window
    2. Select where you want to save the file.
      • This can be anywhere on your computer. Typical locations will be Documents or Desktop
    3. Name the file
      • Keep it simple and preferably without spaces. E.g. redshelf, redshelf2017-2, adoption_list, etc.
    4. Change the “Save as type” to “Text Files”
    5. Click on the Save button
  3. Next the file needs to be sent to Redshelf. If your Redshelf rep requests an Excel or CSV file, follow the steps below in the Importing Into Excel section.
    1. Open your email application, typically Outlook or through a web site
    2. Create a new message addressed to your Redshelf contact
    3. Attach the file to the email
      • This can vary depending on your email client. There may be an Insert > Attach File option, an Attach File button or you can typically navigate to where you saved the file in Windows and drag it into the email message.

Importing Into Excel

Sometimes a Redshelf rep will request that the file be sent to them as an Excel document or a CSV document. The steps below cover how to do that. This assumes that the steps above have been performed and you have a copy of the report on your computer as a .txt file.

  1. Open Excel
  2. Go to File > Open
    • Or press and hold the Ctrl key and then press O bring up the Open dialogue.
  3. Browse to where you saved the file in step 2.2 above
  4. Change the All Excel Files drop down box to All Files
  5. Select the .txt file saved in step 2.2 above
  6. In the Text Import Wizard (step 1 of 3) Select the Fixed width option
  7. In step 2 of 3, click and drag the arrows/lines to the edge of the text. These mark the columns to be used in the spreadsheet.
  8. In step 3 of 3, click on each column and asign the Text data format in the top left
    • You can select the first column, move the slider all the way to the right, press and hold SHIFT and click on the last column. With all columns selected click on the Text data format option on the top left.
    • Click Finish
  9. Now all of the data should be in the Excel document. The ISBN numbers should not look like a notation number (9.78129E+12) they should display as full ISBNs.
  10. Save the document
    1. Go to File > Save As.
    2. Browse to where you would like to save the document
    3. Enter a name in the File name field
    4. Click on the Save as type: drop down and select the option with “CSV (MS-DOS)”
    5. Click on Save
  11. Send the new csv file to your Redshelf representative.
  12. Note that if you open the document in Excel after closing the ISBN fields will be truncated with 9.78129E+12. Select the for the ISBNs, right click and select Format Cells, change the format to Number and change the decimal count to 0.


Wholesale Guide Update


Wholesalers will periodically release guides with up to date buyback numbers. Simply downloading the guide file and placing it on the server is not enough.The data in these guides must be imported into the system and applied to the textbook records.  There may be slightly different prompts depending on which guide is being imported but the process is essentially the same.

Download the Guide – Self Hosted Customers Only

The wholesalers will typically send out an email with instructions on how to obtain the guide as well as a handful of ISBNs and their buyback amounts. Follow their instructions and place the downloaded files onto the local server’s hard drive. Please remember the path to the file on the hard drive as it is needed when importing. We recommend that these files be placed in C:\Guides\wholesalername. e.g. C:\Guides\Nebraska.

Import the Guide

  1. Log into the system and ensure that no one is in a textbook record, a textbook receiving document, or any other screen that may lock an ISBN record
  2. Navigate to TX-24-21
  3. Select the guying guide to update
    • Use the ?? selection box to display of list of possible options
      • NBC – Nebraska Book Company
      • MBS – Missouri Book
      • TBC – Texas Book Company
  4. Select L for Local or Download
  5. Enter the path to the import file
    1. Hosted customers can use the following directories for the relative guide:
      • C:\GUIDES\MBS
      • C:\GUIDES\TBC
    2. The vendor specific path will be provided to hosted customers in the notification email sent from the TCS support team
  6. Choose whether to coordinate.
    1. Only coordinate your default guide; this can be found in UU-22, left hand side toward the bottom
    2. You can always coordinate later in TX-24-22
  7. Choose whether to Update the Cross-Reference (Typically Y)
  8. If you see any prompts such for ‘Regular’ or ‘Internet Expanded’ the expanded option is typically the go-to option.
  9. The processes can take up-to 20 minutes to complete. Make sure that no one is in any records if it appears that the process has frozen. A locked record will stall the process until the lock is removed.


  1. You can verify the prices of the imported items by going to TX-24-2,3,4,5,6 or 7 depending on which guide was updated
  2. Enter the ISBN(s) provided by the wholesaler in their email, or in the TCS notification email, and verify that the buying prices match.




Returns Process

The Returns Process

After you have sold books for your term, you can return extra books and books that were shipped incorrectly to the vendors, if the vendors allow this. This section covers the functions used in this process.

The Returns Menu

The Returns Menu contains functions dealing with the return of books to vendors. This section covers these functions.

Printing a List of Expiring Invoices

To print a list of invoices that will be expiring shortly, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the List of Expiring Invoices option to get to the Return Sort Parameters screen (TX-04-01-01).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled with the default store for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the store field.
  3. In the Months to Expire field. Enter the greatest number of months before an invoice expires that you want to include on this report.
  4. In the Sort by field, enter “T” to sort by title, “A” to sort by author, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “P” to sort by PO line number.
  5. In the Edition Notes or Expiring Invoices field, enter “N” to select by edition notes, or “E” to select by expiring invoices.
  6. Enter “Y” to run the report or “X” to cancel.

Creating System Suggested Returns

To create system suggested chargebacks, follow these steps. If you wish to delete one or more chargebacks, you can do so from the Chargeback Maintenance screen.

Note that system suggested returns exclude any quantity to cover for all open terms from being added to a return. If you purchased 10 of a title from the vendor and have a quantity to cover of 10, the suggested return will not include that title. If you have a QTC of 8 then the suggested return will only suggest 2.

If you want to override this behavior you may do so in TX-SU-2-5 (Return Parameters). If you place a Y in the “Suggest Returns Ignore QTC” field then the system will ignore any current/future need for a title and suggest a quantity up to the total amount you have purchased from that vendor.


  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option, the Create System Suggested Returns option (TX-03-01-02).

  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the Sales Cutoff Date field, enter the last date of sales that you want to take into account when calculating the number of books to return. If you don’t want to limit the returns created by date, leave this field blank.
  4. In the Vendor # fields, enter the vendors for which you want to create suggested returns. If you wish to create returns for all vendors, leave these fields blank.
  5. In the Vendor Type field, enter the vendor type for which you want to create suggested returns. If you do not wish to limit by vendor type, leave this field blank.
  6. In the Expire Days field, enter the maximum number of days before an invoice expires for the invoice to be included in the suggested returns.
  7. In the Cost or Expire field, enter “C” to select invoices based on cost or “E” to select invoices based on expiration date.
  8. Enter “Y” to create suggested returns.

Creating a Manual Chargeback

To enter a chargeback into the system manually, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Enter/Maintain Returns option to get to the Return Maintenance screen (TX-04-01-03).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number.
  3. In the Charge Back # field, enter the chargeback you want to modify or enter “.” to create a new chargeback.
  4. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor for which you are entering a return.
  5. In the Return Authorization field, enter the return authorization number given to you by the vendor, if it applies.
  6. In the Return to Vendor field, enter the alternate vendor to which the books should be returned.
  7.  Enter “A” to add a new book to the return.
  8. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to select. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for it by entering “[AUTHOR]/”, “[TITLE]”, or “[AUTHOR]/[TITLE]”.
  9. In the Quantity New field, enter the new quantity that you want to return.
  10. In the Quantity Used field, enter the used quantity that you want to return.
  11. In the Qty Pick New field, enter the new quantity that you want to return.
  12. In the Qty Pick Used field, enter the used quantity that you want to return.
  13. In the Reason field, enter the reason code for this return. For a list, enter “??”. For more information, see section Return Reason Codes in the CourseTrak Setup Guide.
  14. In the Auto/Manual field, enter “A” to automatically select invoice numbers or “M” to manually select them.
  15. In the Cost/Exp Date field, enter “C” to select invoices by cost or “E” to select them by expiration date.
  16. In the Our PO Line # field, enter the purchase order and line number for the item.
  17. In the Vendor Inv # field, enter the vendor’s invoice number for the item.
  18. In the RQty field, enter the quantity you wish to return.
  19. In the Inv Cost field, enter the cost of the item you are returning.
  20. In the Penalty field, enter the vendor penalty charge for returning books.
  21. Press [ENTER] to save changes to the book or enter “X” to cancel.
  22. Press [ENTER] to save changes to the chargeback or enter “X” to cancel.

Printing a Picking Document

To print a picking document for your returns, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Print Picking Documents option to get to the Print Shipping Document screen (TX-04-01-04).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor for which you want to print the picking document. Leave this field blank for all vendors.
  4. Enter “Y” to run the process or “X” to cancel.

Printing Return Requests

To print requests for your returns, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Print Permissions Requests option to get to the Print Shipping Document screen (TX-04-01-05).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor for which you want to print the requests. Leave this field blank for all vendors.
  4. Enter “Y” to run the process or “X” to cancel.

Printing Chargebacks

To print your returns, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Print Chargebacks option to get to the Print Shipping Document screen (TX-04-01-06).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor for which you want to print the chargebacks. Leave this field blank for all vendors.
  4. Enter “Y” to run the process or “X” to cancel.

Reprinting Picking Documents

To reprint your picking documents, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Reprint Picking Documents option to get to the Reprint Document screen (TX-04-01-21).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the First Return field, enter the first return you want to print. For all returns, leave this blank.
  4. In the Last Return field. Enter the last return you want to print. For all returns, leave this blank.
  5. Enter “Y” to print or “X” to cancel.

Reprinting Permissions Requests

To reprint your permissions requests, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Reprint Permssions Requests option to get to the Reprint Document screen (TX-04-01-22).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the First Return field, enter the first return you want to print. For all returns, leave this blank.
  4. In the Last Return field. Enter the last return you want to print. For all returns, leave this blank.
  1. Enter “Y” to print or “X” to cancel.

Reprinting Chargebacks

To reprint your chargebacks, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Reprint Chargebacks option to get to the Reprint Document screen (TX-04-01-23).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the First Return field, enter the first return you want to print. For all returns, leave this blank.
  4. In the Last Return field. Enter the last return you want to print. For all returns, leave this blank.
  5. Enter “Y” to print or “X” to cancel.

Listing Open Permissions

To print a list of open return permissions, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the List Open Permissions option (TX-04-01-24).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled with the default store. To change it, enter “M” followed by the store number.
  3. Enter “Y” to print the report or “X” to cancel.

Clearing Open Chargebacks

To delete chargebacks that have not yet been printed, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Clear Open Chargebacks option to get to the Clear Open Chargebacks screen (TX-04-01-25).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor for which you want to delete chargebacks. For all vendors, leave this field blank.
  4. Enter “Y” to run the process or “X” to cancel.

Printing a List of Chargebacks

To print a list of chargebacks, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Chargeback List option to get to the Chargeback Listing Report screen (TX-04-01-26).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the Chargeback Printed field, enter “Y” if you want to include only chargebacks that have been printed. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  4. In the Chargeback Date field, enter the earliest date that you want to include. If you don’t wish to limit by date, leave this field blank.
  5. In the Vendor Number field, enter the vendor that you want to include. If you don’t wish to limit by vendor, leave this field blank.
  6. In the Chargeback Term field, enter the term that you want to include. If you don’t wish to limit by term, leave this field blank.
  7. In the Permission Required field, enter “Y” if you want to print only chargebacks that require permission. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  8. Enter “Y” to run the process, or “X” to cancel.

Writeoff List

To print a writeoff list, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Returns option and the Writeoff List option to get to the Return Sort Parameters screen (TX-04-01-27).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. To change it, enter “<” followed by the new store number. For a list of stores, enter “??” in the Store field.
  3. In the Sort by field, enter “A” to sort by author, “T” to sort by title, “I” to sort by ISBN or “P” to sort by PO line number.
  4. Enter “Y” to run the process, or “X” to cancel.

Buyback Process

Buyback Flag Maintenance (TX-5-2-1)

To set up buyback information for a book in your database, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText main menu, enter “5” to get to the Buyback Processing Menu, “2” for Buyback Maintenance and then “1” for Buyback Flag Maintenance screen (TX-5-2-1).
  2. In the Store field, enter the store number for which you wish to set up buyback. This will also automatically populate the Store, Store Name, and BB Need fields in the upper right side of the screen.
  3. In the ISBN field, enter the book for which you wish to set up buyback.
  4. The Title, Author, Ed Notes, Edition, and Copyright fields will automatically populate with the information from the master file for the ISBN that you entered.
  5. The Open to Buy field will automatically populate with the open to buy quantity for this ISBN.
  6. In the Value Code field, enter the buyback value code for the book. For a list of codes, enter “??”. For more information on value codes, see the section Setting Up Buyback Value Codes in the SmartText Setup Guide.
  7. In the Limit Flag field, enter the buyback limit flag for the book. Enter “U” to buy unlimited copies of the book, “X” to exclude the book from buyback, “G” for guaranteed buyback, or “Y” for a limit.
  8. The Estimated BB field will automatically populate with the total estimated buyback amount taken from all adoptions entered in terms attached to the current buyback season.
  9. In the R/W field, enter “R” for retail or enter “W” for wholesale.
  10. In the Limit field, enter the total quantity of copies (your limit) you will buy back at this value.
  11. The Purchased field will automatically populate with the quantity of books purchased at buyback at this value.
  12. In the Overide Price field, enter the price you would like to purchase this title for. If you enter a price in this field, it will override the calculated price that is based on the set buyback parameters. For more information on buyback parameters, see the section Buyback Parameters in the SmartText Setup Guide.
  13. In the Wholesaler ID field, enter the vendor number of the wholesaler you would like to purchase textbooks for at buyback. The Wholesaler Name field will automatically populate with the name of the wholesaler entered.
  14. In the Book Flag Code field, enter any book flag codes that you would like to set up for this title. For more information on book flag codes, see the section Textbook Flags in the SmartText Setup Guide.
  15. Press [ENTER] to save the changes, “X” to cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Wholesale from Buyback (TX-4-2-2)

If you buy back books to sell to wholesalers, you can use the functions in the Wholesale from Buyback menu to ship them to the wholesaler. This section covers these functions.

Creating a Suggested Shipping List (TX-4-2-2-1)

To create a suggested list of buyback items that should be sent to a wholesaler, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Sales to Wholesalers option, the Wholesale from Buyback option, and the Suggested Shipping List option to get to the Print Shipping Lists screen (TX-4-2-2-1).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Amount Greater Than field, enter the minimum wholesale that you want to include. Books with a value less than this will not be included.
  4. Enter “R” to run the process, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  5. On the next page is a sample suggested shipping list.

Creating a Shipping List (TX-4-2-2-2)

To create a shipping list by wholesaler, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Sales to Wholesalers option, the Wholesale from Buyback option, and the Create Shipping List option to get to the Create Shipping Lists screen (TX-4-2-2-2).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Amount Greater Than field, enter the minimum wholesale that you want to include. Books with a value less than this will not be included.
  4. In the Wholesaler List field, enter the wholesaler(s) you desire to ship books to.
  5. Enter “R” to run the process, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  6. If you choose to run the process, you will get the following screen. Click “Continue” to exit.

Shipping List Maintenance (TX-4-2-2-3)

To make changes to a wholesaler shipping list, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Sales to Wholesalers option, the Wholesale from Buyback option and the Shipping List Maintenance option to get to the Shipping List Maintenance screen (TX-4-2-2-3).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Document field, enter the document number you’d like to modify. If you are creating a new document, enter “.”. For a list of documents, enter “??”.
  4. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN of the book you’re returning. If you’re not sure of the ISBN, you can search for the book by entering “[AUTHOR]/”, “[TITLE]” or “[AUTHOR]/[TITLE]”.
  5. In the Qty field, enter the quantity of books you’d like to sell to the wholesaler.
  6. From the command line, enter “S” to sort by author or title, or enter “I” to search by ISBN.
  7. Press [ENTER] to save the shipping list, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Printing a Shipping Document (TX-4-2-2-4)

To print a shipping document for the books you are selling to a wholesaler, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Returns option followed by the Sales to Wholesalers option, the Wholesale from Buyback option, and the Print Shipping Document option to get to the Chargebacks Not Credited screen (TX-4-2-2-4).

  1. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  2. In the Vendor field, enter the wholesaler to which you are returning books.
  3. Enter “R” to run the process, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Printing a Buyback Document (TX-4-2-2-21)

Reprinting a Shipping Document (TX-4-2-2-22)

Reprinting a Buyback Document (TX-4-2-2-23)

Printing a Non-Returnable Stock Worklist (TX-4-2-3)

To print a list of items you have on hand that cannot be sold to wholesalers, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Returns option, followed by the Sales to Wholesalers option and the Non-Returnable Stock Worklist option to get to the Non-Returnable Stock Worklist screen (TX-4-2-3).
  2. In the Store field, enter the store number for which you wish to print the report. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Sort by (T,I,A) field, enter “T” to sort by title, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “A” to sort by author.
  4. In the Report Type field, enter “W” for a wholesale report, “Z” for a zero value report, or “T” for a total report.
  5. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  6. On the next page is a sample non-returnable stock worklist.

Buyback Process (TX-5)

The SmartText system contains extensive functions dealing with the buyback of textbooks. These functions are covered in this section.

Setting Up Buyback Parameters (TX-5-1)

Before textbooks can be bought back, you must set up the buyback parameters. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. From any menu in the SmartText system, enter “SU” to get to the Textbook Setup menu. Select the Parameters option followed by the Buyback Parameters option to get to the Buyback Parameters screen (TX-5-1).
  2. In the Store field, enter the store number for which you wish to set up buyback parameters. You can see a list of stores by entering “??”.
  3. In the Buyback Need Formula field, enter the buyback need formula you wish to use. For information on need formulas, see the section Buyback Need Formula Maintenance contained in this document.
  4. Under the Percentage of Retail New Price heading, in the Good field, enter the percentage of the retail price that you would like to pay for books that were bought new and brought back in good condition. In the Fair field, enter the percentage of the retail price that you would like to pay for books that were bought new and brought back in fair condition.
  5. Under the Percentage of Retail Used Price heading, in the Good field, enter the percentage of the retail price that you would like to pay for books that were bought used and brought back in good condition. In the Fair field, enter the percentage of the retail price that you would like to pay for books that were bought used and brought back in fair condition.
  6. Under the Percentage of Whsle Buy Guide (New) heading, in the Good field, enter the percentage of the wholesale price that you would like to pay for books that were bought new and brought back in good condition. In the Fair field, enter the percentage of the wholesale price that you would like to pay for books that were bought used and brought back in fair condition.
  7. Under the Percentage of Whsle Buy Guide (Used) heading, in the Good field, enter the percentage of the wholesale price that you would like to pay for books that were bought used and brought back in good condition. In the Fair field, enter the percentage of the wholesale price that you would like to pay for books that were bought used and brought back in fair condition.
  8. Under the Books with Zero Value heading, in the Good field, enter the amount that you would like to pay for books in good condition with zero value. In the Fair field, enter the amount that you would like to pay for books in fair condition with zero value.
  9. In the Rounding Direction field, enter the direction that you would like to round the buyback prices. Enter “U” for up, “D” for down, or “N” for nearest.
  10. In the Rounding Coin field, enter the coin that you would like to use in rounding the buyback prices. You can enter “05”, “10”, “25”, “50”, or “100”.
  11. In the Mode field, enter “G” for a general buy mode or “W” for a wholesale buy mode.
  12.  In the Use Window in Buyback field, enter a “Y” if you would like to display new and used condition prices or if you would like the ability to override the price at buyback. Otherwise, enter an “N”.
  13. In the Default Condition field, enter “G” to set good as the default condition, or “F” to set fair as the default condition.
  14. In the ‘N’ew or ‘U’sed field, enter “N” to set new as default, “U” to set used as default. If you select “N” buyback will be calculated as ½ of retail new. If you select “U”, buyback will be calculated as ½ of retail used.
  15. Enter “S” or click on “Season” to get to the buyback season maintenance screen. It is covered in the section Buyback Season Maintenance contained in this document.
  16. Enter “W” or click on “Wholesalers” to get to the Buyback Wholesaler Setup screen.
  17. In the Use Highest Price field, enter “Y” if you want to the system to bring in the wholesaler with the highest price. Leave blank or “N” to use wholesaler in order as listed below in the screen. If a “Y” is entered into the system and there are two or more wholesalers with the same highest price, the wholesaler listed first will be chosen. If the system reaches the buyback limit for the wholesaler with the highest price, it will then move the the next highest priced wholesaler.
  18. In the Display Wholesale Prices field, enter “Y” if you want the system to display wholesalers and their prices and let you choose which one. Enter “N” if you want the system to select the wholesaler.
  19. In the WHSL # field, enter in the vendor number associated with your first wholesaler. In the File Name field, enter in the file name for the wholesale buying guide. Only a valid file name can be entered. The Wholesaler field will automatically populate with the name associated with the wholesale buying guide file name. Continue with all wholesale guides that you will be loading.
  20. Press [ENTER] to save the changes, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Buyback Maintenance Menu (TX-5-2)

The Buyback Maintenance menu contains functions dealing with buyback parameters for individual items.

Buyback Flag Maintenance (TX-5-2-1)

To set up buyback information for a book in your database, follow these steps.

  1.  From the Textbook Maintenance screen command line, enter “B” to get to the Buyback Flag Maintenance screen (TX-5-2-1).
  2. In the Store field, enter the store number for which you wish to set up buyback. This will also automatically populate the Store, Store Name, and BB Need fields in the upper right side of the screen.
  3. In the ISBN field, enter the book for which you wish to set up buyback.
  4. The Title, Author, Ed Notes, Edition, and Copyright fields will automatically populate with the information from the master file for the ISBN that you entered.
  5. The Open to Buy field will automatically populate with the open to buy quantity for this ISBN.
  6. In the Value Code field, enter the buyback value code for the book. For a list of codes, enter “??”. For more information on value codes, see the section Setting Up Buyback Value Codes in the SmartText Setup Guide.
  7. In the Limit Flag field, enter the buyback limit flag for the book. Enter “U” to buy unlimited copies of the book, “X” to exclude the book from buyback, “G” for guaranteed buyback, or “Y” for a limit.
  8. The Estimated BB field will automatically populate with the total estimated buyback amount taken from all adoptions entered in terms attached to the current buyback season.
  9. In the R/W field, enter “R” for retail or enter “W” for wholesale.
  10. In the Limit field, enter the total quantity of copies (your limit) you will buy back at this value.
  11. The Bought field will automatically populate with the quantity of books purchased at buyback at this value.
  12. In the Price field, enter the price you would like to purchase this title for. If you enter a price in this field, it will override the calculated price that is based on the set buyback parameters. For more information on buyback parameters, see the section Buyback Parameters in the SmartText Setup Guide.
  13. In the Wholesaler field, enter the vendor number of the wholesaler you would like to purchase textbooks for at buyback. The Wholesaler Name field will automatically populate with the name of the wholesaler entered.
  14. In the Book Flag Code field, enter any book flag codes that you would like to set up for this title. For more information on book flag codes, see the section Textbook Flags in the SmartText Setup Guide.
  15. Press [ENTER] to save the changes, “X” to cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Shifting Wholesale Buyback to Retail (TX-5-2-2)

If you buy back books at wholesale price, and later decide that you wish to sell them in your store rather than to wholesalers, you can shift the books to retail buyback. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Maintenance Menu option and the Shift Wholesale to Retail by Item option to get to the Shift Wholesale to Retail by Item screen (TX-5-2-2).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to shift. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for the book by entering “[TITLE]”, “[AUTHOR]\”, or “[AUTHOR]\[TITLE]”.
  4. After you have entered the ISBN, the information fields about the book are filled in. The QTY Retail field contains the number of books that have been bought back for retail, and the QTY Whsle field contains the number of books that have been bought back for wholesale.
  5. In the Shift QTY field, enter the number of books you want to shift from wholesale to retail. This quantity must be less than or equal to the value in the QTY Whsle field.
  6. Enter “R” to shift the books from wholesale to retail, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Printing a List of Wholesale to Retail Shifted Buybacks (TX-5-2-3)

To print a list of items that have been shifted from wholesale to retail buyback, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Maintenance Menu option and the List of Shifting Whsle to Retail option to get to the List of Shifting Wholesale to Retail screen (TX-5-2-3).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Begin Date field, enter the beginning of the date range, or leave the field blank.
  4. In the Ending Date field, enter the ending of the date range, or leave the field blank.
  5. In the Sort By field, enter the method by which you want to sort the list. Enter “A” for Author, “T” for Title, “P” for publisher, or “I” for ISBN.
  6. Enter “R” to print the list, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  7. On the next page is a sample report.

Shifting Retail Buyback to Wholesale (TX-5-2-4)

If you buy back books at retail price, and later decide that you wish to sell them to wholesalers, you can shift the books to wholesale buyback. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Maintenance Menu option and the Shift Retail to Wholesale option to get to the Shift Retail to Wholesale screen (TX-5-2-4).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to shift. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for the book by entering “[TITLE]”, “[AUTHOR]\”, or “[AUTHOR]\[TITLE]”.
  4. After you have entered the ISBN, the information fields about the book are filled in. The QTY Retail field contains the number of books that have been bought back for retail, and the QTY Whsle field contains the number of books that have been bought back for wholesale.
  5. In the Shift QTY field, enter the number of books you want to shift from retail to wholesale. This quantity must be less than or equal to the value in the QTY Retail field.
  6. Enter “R” to shift the books from retail to wholesale, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Printing a List of Retail to Wholesale Shifted Buybacks (TX-5-2-5)

To print a list of items that have been shifted from retail to wholesale buyback, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Maintenance Menu option and the List of Shifting Retail to Wholesale option to get to the List of Shifting Retail to Wholesale screen (TX-5-2-5).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Begin Date field, enter the beginning of the date range, or leave the field blank.
  4. n the Ending Date field, enter the ending of the date range, or leave the field blank.
  5. In the Sort By field, enter the method by which you want to sort the list. Enter “A” for Author, “T” for Title, “P” for publisher, or “I” for ISBN.
  6. Enter “R” to print the list, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Wholesaler Database Maintenance Menu (TX-5-3)

The Wholesaler Database Maintenance Menu (TX-5-3) contains functions dealing with your wholesale buying guide(s). This section covers these functions.

Search the Wholesale Buying Guide (TX-5-3-1)

To find information about a book by searching in the wholesale buying guide, follow these steps. This will search the default guide that is set up for your store as listed in the general store parameters.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Wholesaler Database Maintenance option and the Wholesale Buying Guide option to get to the Wholesale Buying Guide screen (TX-5-3-1).
  2. In the Item field, enter the ISBN of the book you’re searching for. If you don’t know the ISBN, you can find it by entering “[TITLE]”, “[AUTHOR]\”, or “[AUTHOR]\[TITLE]”.
  3. After you have entered the ISBN, information about the item will display. If you wish to copy the item to your local database, enter “C”. You will be taken to the Master File Maintenance screen (see Master File Maintenance in this document.) If you do not wish to copy the item to your local database, press [ENTER] to exit the record.

Changing Wholesale Prices (TX-5-3-2)

If you wish to change the wholesale price listed in the wholesale buying guide for an item, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Wholesaler Database Maintenance option and the Wholesale Guide Maintenance option to get to the Wholesale Guide Maintenance screen (TX-5-3-2).
  2. In the Item field, enter the ISBN of the book you’re searching for. If you don’t know the ISBN, you can find it by entering “[TITLE]”, “[AUTHOR]\”, or “[AUTHOR]\[TITLE]”.
  3. After you have entered the ISBN, information about the item displays. Enter “M” to get to the Whsle New Price field.
  4. In the Whsle New Price field, enter the wholesale price for new books.
  5. In the Whsle Used Price field, enter the wholesale price for used books.
  6. In the Buyback Note field, enter any information that you would like to see when you enter this item at buyback.
  7. Press [ENTER] to update the prices for the item, or “X” to cancel.

Updating the Wholesale Guide (TX-5-3-21)

If you wish to install a new wholesale guide on your system, follow these steps. If you would like assistance in loading your wholesale guides, please contact Total Computing Solutions.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Wholesaler Database Maintenance menu and the Update Whsle Guide option to get to the Wholesale Buying Guide Update screen (TX-5-3-21).
  2. In the Buying Guide to Update field, the buying guide you would like to update. For a list of buying guides, enter “??”.
  3. In the <L>=Local or <D>=Download field, enter “L” to update the buying guide from a local file, or “D” to download the new buying guide from the internet.
  4. In the Local Drive and Path field, enter the drive letter and path where the wholesale buying guide can be found, for example “D:/WHSLE/” if the wholesale buying guide is located on the D drive in the WHSLE directory. Using the forward slash is important; a backslash will not work.
  5. In the Coordinate Wholesale Guide field, enter a “Y” if you want to automatically coordinate the wholesale guide. For more information on coordinating the wholesale guide, see section Coordinating the Wholesale Guide in this document. If you don’t wish to coordinate at this time, enter “N”.
  6. In the Update Cross-Reference field, enter “Y” if you want to rebuild your Title cross-reference and your Author cross-reference. For more information on rebuilding cross-reference see Rebuilding the Title Cross-Reference and Rebuilding the Author Cross-Reference in the SmartText Setup Guide. If you don’t wish to rebuild at this time, enter “N”.
  7. Enter “R” to update the wholesale buying guide, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Coordinating the Wholesale Guide (TX-5-3-22)

If you wish to update your master file with information from a new wholesale guide, you should coordinate the wholesale guide by following these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Wholesaler Database Maintenance option and the Coordinate Whsle Guide option to get to the Coordinate Wholesale Guide screen (TX-5-3-22).
  2. In the Update Publisher Price Changes option, enter “Y” if you want to change the publisher prices in your master file to match the new wholesale buying guide. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  3. In the Update ISBN Changes option, enter “Y” if you want to change the ISBNs in your master file to match the new wholesale buying guide. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  4. In the Update Retail Price option, enter “Y” if you want to change the retail prices in your master file to match the new wholesale buying guide. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  5. In the Check Copyright, Edition, Edition Notes option, enter “Y” if you want to change the copyright, edition, edition notes in your master file to match the new wholesale buying guide. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  6. Enter “R” to coordinate the guide, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Guaranteed Buyback Menu (TX-5-4)

If your store uses guaranteed buyback, you will need to use the functions in the Guaranteed Buyback Menu (TX-5-4). These functions are covered in this section.Pre-List Guaranteed Buyback (TX-5-4-1)

To generate a list of the books for which you will be offering guaranteed buyback, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Guaranteed Buyback option and the Pre-list Guaranteed Buyback option to get to the Create Guaranteed Buyback Preliminary List screen (TX-5-4-1).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Term To Get Information From field, enter the term for which you want to generate a list.
  4. Enter “R” to create the list, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Guaranteed Buyback Report (TX-5-4-2)

To print a report of the books that you have bought back through guaranteed buyback, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Guaranteed Buyback option and the Guaranteed Buyback Report option to get to the Guaranteed Buyback Report screen (TX-5-4-2).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. The Term field is automatically filled in with the default for the store. For a list of terms, enter “??”.
  4. In the Sort By field, enter “A” to sort by Author, “T” to sort by Title, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “P” to sort by publisher.
  5. Enter “R” to run the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  6. Below is a sample report.

Editing the Preliminary Guaranteed Buyback List (TX-5-4-3)

The SmartText system allows you to manually create a list of books that will be included in the guaranteed buyback program or edit the list that has been created by the system. To do so, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Guaranteed Buyback option and the Edit/Enter Preliminary List option to get to the Enter Preliminary Guaranteed Buyback List screen (TX-5-4-3).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Term field, enter the term for which you want to edit the preliminary list. For a list of terms, enter “??”.
  4. In the ISBN fields, enter the ISBNs for the books you want to include. If you aren’t sure of the ISBNs, you can search for them by entering “[TITLE]”, “[AUTHOR]\”, or “[AUTHOR]\[TITLE]”. To remove a book from the list, enter a single space in the field containing that book’s ISBN.
  5. Press [ENTER] to save the list, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Flag Guaranteed Buyback Parameters (TX-5-4-4)

To change the buyback limit flag to “G” for the books that are on your guaranteed buyback list, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Guaranteed Buyback option and the Flag Guaranteed Buyback Parameters option to get to the Flag Guaranteed Buyback Limits screen (TX-5-4-4).
  2. In the Store field, enter the store for which you want to set the flags. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Term field, enter the term for which you want to set the flags. For a list of terms, enter “??”.
  4. Enter “R” to set the flags, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Printing Guaranteed Buyback Tags (TX-5-4-5)

To print tags for the guaranteed buyback items, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Guaranteed Buyback option and the Print Guaranteed Buyback Tags option to get to the Print Guaranteed Buyback Tags screen (TX-5-4-5).
  2. In the Store field, enter the store for which you want to set the flags. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Term field, enter the term for which you want to set the flags. For a list of terms, enter “??”.
  4. Enter “R” to print the tags, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Buyback Reports (TX-5-21)

The Buyback Reports Menu (TX-5-21) contains reports that list information about buybacks. This section covers these reports.Non-Coordinated Books Report (TX-5-21-1)

The Non-Coordinated Books Report displays books in the master file that have not been coordinated to the current wholesale buying guide.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Non-Coordinated Books option to get to the Non-Coordinated Books screen (TX-5-21-1).
  2. In the Sort By field, enter “T” to sort by Title, “I” to sort by ISBN, “P” to sort by publisher, or “A” to sort by author.
  3. Enter “R” to run the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  4. Below is a sample report.

Actual vs. Needed Buyback Report (TX-5-21-2)

The Actual vs. Needed report displays information about the number of books you need to buy back compared to the number of books you have purchased.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Actual vs. Needed option to get to the Actual vs. Need screen (TX-5-21-2).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Sort field, enter “A” to sort by author, “T” to sort by title, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “P” to sort by publisher.
  4. In the Enter Min Qty to Report field, enter the minimum quantity needed for books that should be on the report.
  5. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  6. Below is a sample report.

Buyback Need Report (TX-5-21-3)

The Buyback Need report displays information about the books you need to buyback.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Buyback Need option to get to the Buyback Need screen (TX-5-21-3).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Category field, enter a category to narrow the results buy, or leave the field blank.
  4. In the ISBN field, enter an ISBN you would like buyback information about, or leave the field blank.
  5. In the Sort By field, enter “A” to sort by author, “T” to sort by title, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “P” to sort by publisher.
  6. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  7. Below is a sample report.

Manual Buyback Control List (TX-5-21-4)

To print a report that contains information on manual buybacks, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Manual Buyback Control List option to get to the Manual Buyback Control List screen (TX-5-21-4).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Include Books Only for Term field, enter the term for which you want to print the list. For a list of terms, enter “??”.
  4. In the Include Books With Zero Need Limit field, enter “Y” if you wish to include books with a zero need limit. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  5. In the Percent of Need Limit to Include field, enter the percentage of the need limit that you want to be able to buy back manually.
  6. In the Sort By field, enter “A” to sort the list by author, or “T” to sort by title.
  7. Enter “R” to print the list, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Estimated Buyback List (TX-5-21-5)

To print a list of the estimated buyback values you have entered, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option, followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Estimated Buyback List option to get to the Estimated Buyback List screen (TX-5-21-5).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Season field, enter the buyback season for which you wish to report. For a list of seasons, enter “??”.
  4. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to select. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for it by entering “[AUTHOR]/”, “[TITLE]”, or “[AUTHOR]/[TITLE.]” Leave the ISBN field blank if you want to include all titles.
  5. In the Sort By field, enter “A” to sort the report by author, “T” to sort by title, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “P” to sort by publisher.
  6. In the Updated as of Date field, enter the date for which you want to see changes since. You can leave the field blank to include all dates.
  7. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  8. Below is a sample report.

Actual vs. Expected Report (TX-5-21-21)

The Actual vs. Expected Buyback Report prints information about the actual number of books you have bought back compared to the number of books you expected to buy.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Actual vs. Expected option to get to the Actual vs. Expected screen (TX-5-21-21).
  2. In the Season field, enter the buyback season for which you want to print the report. For a list of seasons, enter “??”.
  3. In the Sort field, enter “A” to sort by author, “T” to sort by title, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “P” to sort by publisher.
  4. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  5. Below is a sample report.

Buyback Audit Report (TX-5-21-22)

To print a report to assist in auditing your buyback purchases, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Buyback Audit Report option to get to the Audit Report Parameters screen (TX-5-21-22).
  2. In the Store field, enter the store number for which you wish to print the report. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Start Date field, enter the earliest date you wish to include. If you don’t wish to limit the report by date, leave this field blank.
  4. In the End Date field, enter the latest date you wish to include. If you don’t wish to limit by date, leave this field blank.
  5. In the Start Tran field, enter the first transaction number you wish to include. If you don’t wish to limit by transaction number, leave this field blank.
  6. In the End Tran field, enter the last transaction number you wish to include. If you don’t wish to limit by transaction number, leave this field blank.
  7. In the Buyer Code field, enter the buyer code for which you wish to print the report. If you don’t wish to limit by buyer, leave this field blank.
  8. In the Student ID field, enter the student ID for which you wish to print the report. If you don’t wish to limit by student, leave this field blank.
  9. In the fields under the Sort Criteria heading, enter a number between 1 and 5, with one being the most important sort criteria.
  10. Enter “R” to run the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  11. Below is a sample report.

Retail Purchases Report (TX-5-21-23)

The Retail Purchases report displays information on books that you have bought back at retail buyback price.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Retail Purchases option to get to the Buyback Report Parameters screen (TX-5-21-23).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Beginning Date field, enter the earliest buyback date you wish to include on the report. If you don’t want to limit the report by date, leave this field blank.
  4. In the Ending Date field, enter the latest buyback date you wish to include on the report. If you don’t want to limit the report by date, leave this field blank.
  5. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to select. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for it by entering “[AUTHOR]/”, “[TITLE]”, or “[AUTHOR]/[TITLE]”. You can leave this field blank to include all titles.
  6. In the Sort field, enter “P” to sort the report by publisher, “I” to sort it by ISBN, “T” to sort it by title, or “A” to sort it by author.
  7. In the <D>=Detail, <S>=Summary field, enter “D” for a detailed report, or “S” for a summary report.
  8. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  9. Below is a sample summary report.

  1. Below is a sample detail report.

Wholesale Purchases Report (TX-5-21-24)

The Wholesale Purchases report displays information on books that you have bought back at retail buyback price.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Wholesale Purchases option to get to the Buyback Report Parameters screen (TX-5-21-24).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Beginning Date field, enter the earliest buyback date you wish to include on the report. If you don’t want to limit the report by date, leave this field blank.
  4. In the Ending Date field, enter the latest buyback date you wish to include on the report. If you don’t want to limit the report by date, leave this field blank.
  5. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to select. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for it by entering “[AUTHOR]/”, “[TITLE]”, or “[AUTHOR]/[TITLE]”. You can leave this field blank to include all titles.
  6. In the Sort field, enter “P” to sort the report by publisher, “I” to sort it by ISBN, “T” to sort it by title, or “A” to sort it by author.
  7. In the <D>=Detail, <S>=Summary field, enter “D” for a detailed report, or “S” for a summary report.
  8. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.
  9. Below is a sample summary report.
  10. Below is a sample detail report.

Books for Wholesalers Report (TX-5-21-25)

To print a list of books you have bought for each wholesaler, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Buyback Reports option and the Books for Wholesalers option to get to the Buyback Report Parameters screen (TX-5-21-25).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Wholesaler field, enter the wholesaler for which you want to run the report. For a list of wholesalers, enter “??”.
  4. In the Sort By field enter (A)uthor, (T)itle, (I)SBN, (P)ublisher, or leave blank
  5. In the Beginning Date field, enter the earliest buyback date you wish to include on the report. If you don’t want to limit the report by date, leave this field blank.
  6. In the Ending Date field, enter the latest buyback date you wish to include on the report. If you don’t want to limit the report by date, leave this field blank.
  7. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to select. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for it by entering “[AUTHOR]/”, “[TITLE]”, or “[AUTHOR]/[TITLE]”. You can leave this field blank to include all titles.
  8. Enter “R” to print the report, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

On the next page is a sample report.

Wholesale from Buyback (TX-5-22)

If you buy back books to sell to wholesalers, you can use the functions in the Wholesale from Buyback menu to ship them to the wholesaler. This information has been previously covered in this manual. See section (TX-4-2-2).

Clearing Buyback Fields (TX-5-23)

To clear the buyback flags for all books in your system, follow these steps.

  1. From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Clear Buyback Fields option to get to the Clear Fields screen (TX-5-23).
  2. In the Clear Retail Buyback Limit field, enter “Y” to clear the buyback limit field for all books. Enter “N” to leave the buyback limits.
  3. In the Clear Wholesale Buyback Limit field, enter a “Y” to clear the wholesale limit for all books. Enter a “N” to leave the wholesale limits.
  4. In the Clear Check Book Flags field, enter “Y” if you want to clear any check book flags. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  5. In the Clear Retail Buyback Special Price field, enter “Y” if you want to remove any special buyback prices you have set. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  6. In the Clear Wholesale Buyback Special Price field, enter “Y” if you want to remove any special wholesale buyback prices you have set. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  7. In the Clear Retail Purchases field, enter “Y” if you want to clear the number of wholesale purchases you’ve made. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  8. In the Clear Wholesale Purchases field, enter “Y” if you want to clear the number of wholesale purchases you’ve made. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  9. In the Clear Temporary Buyback Files field, enter “Y” if you want to clear temporary files. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  10. In the Clear Limit Flag field, enter “Y” if you want to clear buyback limits. Otherwise, enter “N”.
  11. In the For Limit Flag field, enter “U”, “X”, “G”, “Y”, or “ALL” to clear the applicable flags.
  12. Enter “R” to run the process, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.

Batch Print Barcodes (TX-5-24)

If you wish to print barcode tags for all books that you bought back at retail price, follow these steps.

  1.  From the SmartText Main Menu, select the Buyback option followed by the Batch Print Barcodes option to get to the Bath Print Barcodes screen (TX-5-24).
  2. The Store field is automatically filled in with the default for the user. For a list of stores, enter “??”.
  3. In the Beginning Date field, enter the earliest buyback date you wish to print tags for. If you don’t want to limit by date, leave this field blank.
  4. In the Ending Date field, enter the latest buyback date you wish to print tags for. If you don’t want to limit by date, leave this field blank.
  5. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBN for the book you want to select. If you aren’t sure of the ISBN, you can search for it by entering “[AUTHOR]/”, “[TITLE]”, or “[AUTHOR]/[TITLE]”. You can leave this field blank to include all titles.
  6. Enter “R” to print barcode tags, “X” to Cancel, or “M” to Modify.+
  7. If you choose to print tags, you will get the following screen.

Receiving Process

The Receiving Process

The functions in the receiving menu are used to enter and modify receiving logs for shipments you receive from vendors. This section covers the use of these functions.

Entering a Receiving Log

To enter a receiving log, follow these steps.

  1.  From the CourseTrak Main Menu, select the Receiving Option followed by the Receiving Log option to get to the Select Receiving Order screen (TX-3-1). Enter a “.” in the Rcv Log # field to create a new receiving log and get to the Receiving Log screen. Enter “A” when prompted.
  2. Today’s date is automatically entered into the Rcv Date field.
  3. In the PO Nums field, enter the purchase order number that this receiving deals with.
  4. If you entered a valid PO, the Vendor # field and the Ship Via field will be filled in automatically. If not, enter the vendor and a shipping code in these fields.
  5. In the Cond Code field, enter the condition that the books are in or leave it blank. For a list of codes, enter “??”.
  6. In the Inv Num field, enter the invoice number from the publisher. If you don’t have an invoice, put a phony invoice number like “REPLACE” to replace later.
  7. In the Inv Date field, enter the date on the invoice. (This also can be changed later.)
  8. In the Terms field, enter the payment terms. For a list of terms, enter “??”.
  9. In the Freight field, enter the amount charged for shipment of the books.
  10. In the Mdse Amt field, enter the total merchandise amount displayed on the invoice.
  11. In the Comments field, enter any brief comments you have on the shipment or leave it blank.
  12. Enter “A” to sort by author, “T” to sort by title, “I” to sort by ISBN, or “P” to sort by PO line number. The books on the PO will be displayed.
  13. If it says “Receive by.. <E>=Exception, <M>=Manual” then chose “M”.
  14. Type “1’ and hit enter to receive the first book. (“2” to receive the second book, “3” to receive the third, etc.) To add a book to the receiving log that is not on the PO, enter “A”.
  15. The ISBN field has the ISBN of the book you are receiving.
  16. In the New/Used field, it tells you whether the book is New or Used.
  17. In the Received Qty field, enter the quantity of this book that you received.
  18. In the Pub Price field, just hit <enter> unless you want to change the Reference Price on the Masterfile.
  19. In the List/Net PR field, enter “L” for list pricing or “N” for net pricing. If you do not know what to enter, then look at the Price Factor field near the bottom. If it says “L” there, then enter “L”. If it says “N” then enter “N”.
  20. Leave the % Discount field blank. It will fill in later.
  21. Leave the $ Discount field blank. It will also fill in later.
  22. In the Unit Cost field put the cost of the book, per book.
  23. Leave the Price Factor field as is.
  24. Leave the Status field blank.
  25. In the Rcv Comments field, enter any brief comments on this book or leave it blank.
  26. Repeat steps 14 – 25 for each book.
  27. Enter “P” to post the receiving log to the master file, “S” to save the receiving log without posting it.
    • “P” will post the quantities – no changes are allowed after this is done except for the Invoice Number and the Invoice Date.
    • “S” will save the receiving log, but not post the quantities. It will allow you to make changes later, as well as Post later.
  28. If you made a mistake other than the Invoice Number or the Invoice Date, then you must Unpost the Receiving Log (TX-3-3) and receive it again.

Print Adoption Forms

Before you begin, make sure that you Adoption Form Parameters has been created, as shown below, and the comments section has the wording you would like to print on each adoption.


You must also make sure that the “Future” term has been created in Term Maintenance.


To print the adoption forms

  1. Log to TX-RP-1-23
  2. Enter the Store and “Historical Term” to select previous titles from. You may also enter Beg/End Dept., Course and Section to limit to.
  3. Enter in the “Current” or Future term to print the adoptions for.
  4. When the screen with Process Complete displays, select the Continue button in the upper right.
  5. From the bottom of the menu screen, select PM-Printer Mgt. option
  6. A list of the current print jobs will display. Click on the job that you wish to print and then select the “Print a Job” button on the right. You will then have the normal selections to choose from.